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I was sleeping soundnessly on a winter night, I had my shift the whole day so I was tired as hell. I literally dived on my bed when I got home and after I ate my dinner. About three a.m, my dog, William  came and woke me up by licking  my knuckles. I was annoyed and disturbed because I was having such a pleasant dream. I  opened my eyes to find darkness enveloping me, I just pet him slightly, not in the mood to actually give him the time so I just went to sleep again. The next day I woke up to the most horrible, horrid, disgusting, fucked up, most twisted sight I've ever seen in my whole 19 year old life.

There, laying in my room's ground, was my mother and father's dead limp bodies. Their head's cut off and lied right next to them. My dog was slit to half.

I screamed til my lungs burned and begged for water when my eyes made contact with what was written in bloody messy bold written.



I'm actually scared tf

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