Chapter 13

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Okay y'all, here's chapter 13. I really had fun writing this, and hope y'all enjoy it as much as I do. Lemme know whatcha think!




Tommy barely dodged as a flaming missile came streaking towards his head, and he heard someone laughing. Turning his furry head, he watched as everyone turned in his direction. He was the only one in wolf form. Angel held her sides as a look of confusion crossed Tommy's face. Tears filled her eyes as she desperately tried to catch her breath.

It was funny watching him panic and shift, she decided, as she held a burning marshmallow on a stick in one hand. She was laughing so hard, she nearly got hit by a flaming projectile. She dropped onto her stomach, a low growl creeping into her throat as she swiveled her head and looked for her would-be assailant.

Alex was holding his sides as he chortled. She noticed that Jared had seen him, and an evil smile crept onto her face. She watched in glee as he snuck up on him, a flaming marshmallow of his own blazing on his stick. Alex was still laughing when all of a sudden, he had a face full of melting, sticky, white goo was smashed into his face. She was still on her stomach, laughing hysterically, when all of a sudden she was spluttering.

Someone had smashed a marshmallow in HER face! She spit the offending sweet, pillow-like object out of her mouth and glared at the offender. Tommy, back in his human form now, was on his stomach as well. And he was laughing at her!

Another low growl leaked out of her throat, and, before he could realize what she was going to do, she pounced on him. As they toppled, she noticed a half melted marshmallow laying on the ground a few feet from them, and she quickly grabbed it. She smashed it into his face, smearing it all over his laughing features. Before he could retaliate, she jumped up and ran.

Jared caught her and wrapped her into a warm embrace, laughing as he watched his pack chasing each other with gooey marshmallows. He would never have agreed to start the fire and bring out the sweet treats if he had known his mate would just end up throwing them once they started to catch fire.

He looked down at Angel and laughed again as he saw she had some marshmallow smeared across her face. They both ducked as two more flaming marshmallows whizzed by their heads. Angel scowled and looked for the perpetrator of the flying projectiles. Before Jared could stop her, she leaped out of his arms and grabbed another marshmallow and held it over the flames in the fire pit.

Once it was nothing but a charring ball of flame, she flung it at one of the college aged pack members named Danny. It hit him in the back of his head, smearing in his hair as it slid down. Danny snarled as he turned to see who had hit him, but he couldn't tell who had thrown the offending mess. Jared laughed as he watched his friend's confused face while he searched for the culprit. Angel glared at him when she heard his laugh. She didn't want Jared to give her away from where she hid!

She had dropped down and hidden behind the raised wall that housed the fire pit after she had flung the marshmallow. She was so engrossed in glaring at Jared she barely noticed when a pair of legs appeared in her periphery. She glanced up. Tommy stood above her, and she grinned up at him sheepishly.

"I'm guessing all of this is your doing?" he asked, gesturing around at the chaos.

"Me?" she blinked at him innocently. "I had nothing to do with this. I swear!" Angel spotted Jared, still laughing, and quickly pointed at him. "He's the one who lit the fire, and asked for the marshmallows. Its not my fault that he couldn't keep it from burning and catching fire. I simply showed him how to put it out!"

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