Chapter 18

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Okay, y'all. Here's the next part! Sorry for taking so long, but it was Halloween, and that's my favorite holiday, so I spent A LOT of time getting ready and decorating for it. We always have a spectacular display and, of course, we like to scare the ish out of the (big) trick-or-treaters (little ones are off limits!). I was a zombie (I was gruesome! XD) and it was awesome. Did any of you do anything for Halloween? Dress up and scare, or take anyone out? Did you score any goodies?

Anyways, time to get on to the good stuff! I hope you enjoy!




Angel sat across from the man claiming to be her father and studied him. She tried to see if there was something about him that set off her inner alarms, telling her that he was something other than what he came across as. But try as she may, the only thing she felt coming off of him was his total sincerity that he was her father, and that he wanted to be a part of her life.

She was not used to someone wanting her as a valued family member.

Derrick was just as interested in studying her as she was. "You look just like your mother," he said, finally breaking the silence. "We were just about your age when we met- well, she was anyways. I'm a couple years older than her."

"How much older?" Angel asked, curiously.

"She wasn't quite yet eighteen when we met, and I was twenty, nearly twenty-one," he said. Angel watched Derrick's eyes glazed over as he sank into his memories. She watched as a look of complete and utter devotion crossed his face, quickly followed by heart wrenching sorrow, and she had to look away, swallowing to stop the flow of tears that threatened to overwhelm her.

Jared squeezed her hand with his, and smiled at her when she met his gaze. She might have been acting like her father's expression wasn't affecting her, but he knew better. She smiled back at him as she felt a blush creep up her neck.

'Luna, dinner is ready whenever you are ready for me to serve,' Angel heard Abner mind link to her. She cleared her throat as she sent him a silent 'Thank You' to the pack's head chef.

"Gentleman," she said, addressing the man she was sure was her father and his two nephews, "I'm sure you're all starving. Our chef, Abner, has prepared something for us. If you would, please follow us."

She stood and took Jared's hand as he lead them all out of the small sitting room by the front door she had only glimpsed when she followed Tommy earlier that morning when they'd gone looking for Rachel and Tiffany. She could hardly believe everything that had happened that day. Meeting the douche bag claiming to be her uncle, then the marshmallow fight, claiming her mate, and meeting her father. Yes, it had certainly been a long and interesting day.


After they had dinner, the delicious chicken parmesan Abner had made from scratch with pineapple upside down cake for dessert, Jared invited them all back to his office. When Tommy followed them, Angel sent a questioning look at him before turning to face Jared.

'What's Tommy doing here, baby?' she asked him through their link.

'Guard duty,' was Jared's reply.

"Derrick," he spoke to Angel's father, before she could ask him to elaborate. "I have no doubt that you are, indeed, Angel's father, so I must ask. When the test results come out, what are your intentions towards her?"

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