Chapter 24

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Angel jumped as she heard the door to the cellar creak open. She took a quick breath, and identified their visitor as their guard. It was the that she realized that she hadn't noticed he had been gone and she cursed herself for not taking that time to try and figure out a way to escape from the cell where her mother and she were being held.

Thinking quickly, she came up with a plan. She looked at her mom, motioned for her to hide by the wall behind the door and placed a finger by her mouth, indicating she wanted her to be quiet. Rebecca sent her a questioning look before quietly doing what Angel wanted. When she knew her mother wouldn't argue with her, Angel stood up and crossed to the door, wrapping her fingers around the bars.

"Please!" she cried out, hoping the man would come closer. He did. "Let me out! I haven't done anything!"

"Don't waste your breath, begging me, bitch," the guard said as he stopped in front of the door. "I'm not going against my Alpha's orders. He wants you in there, so you're staying in there."

"Please," Angel pleaded. "I'll do anything, just let me out." She lowered her lashes, and gave him a seductive look. "I promise. Anything."

She could sense his wavering, and flicked her tongue across her lips. Lust shot into his eyes as they followed the movement. When he motioned for her to back up, she did. And when he lowered his head to search for the key to the lock, she motioned for Rebecca to grab him when he entered.

She heard the lock click and the door swung open, blocking her mother from the man's line of sight. Angel smiled shyly at the man and raised a hand to her side, and slowly moved it up, slowly exposing her smooth, taunt stomach. A low growl escaped the man as her skin was exposed.

He stepped into the room, and used his foot to kick the door shut, never taking his eyes off of Angel.

Angel's smile widened as she watched Rebecca sneak up behind the unsuspecting man. Shock widened the man's eyes as he felt arms wrap around him, holding his own arms down by his sides. Angel walked up to him, her hips swaying slightly, as she saw comprehension dawn on his face. He'd been tricked.

Angel stopped in front of the man as he struggled in her mother's arms, and leaned forward, bringing her lips to within an inch of the man's ear.

"You're a disgusting pig," she whispered, before bringing her knee up into his groin. "That's for my mother!" she hissed as he fell to his knees, his hands automatically flying to cover himself. She brought her knee up again and caught him in the chin, sending him sprawling onto his back, unconscious.

Rebecca had told her little about her captivity, but Angel had seen the flash of shame that had filled her eyes when she'd mentioned her guard, and she had known. Robert may have beaten Rebecca, but he wasn't the only one who had touched her. No, the guard had been just brutal. Except he hadn't stopped at just beating her mother.

Angel bent down and checked the man's pocket, searching for the keys that would release them. She stood when she found them, and turned to her mother, but Rebecca wasn't paying attention to her daughter. She was staring at the guard as he lay prone on the floor. Before Angel could do or say anything, Rebecca kicked him hard in the side. A loud CRACK filled the room as a couple of his ribs broke.

"YOU BASTARD!" Rebecca screamed, bringing her foot back and delivering another vicious kick. The man slid a few inches across the floor from the force behind her kick, causing her next one to connect to the man's skull.

Angel jumped over the man and wrapped her arms around her mother as tears streamed down her face.

"Shhhh..." she cooed in her mother's ear. "It's alright, Mom. He can't hurt you any more. As soon as we get out of here, and stop Robert, Derrick is going to come back and take care of him. You won't ever have to see him again. You're safe now." And if Derrick doesn't I will! Angel thought as she guided her mother to the door and opened it with the key she had taken of the bastard that had raped her mother.

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