Chapter 15

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"What are you guys staring at?" Angel asked when they continued to stare. "Is there a cook here, or what?"

Shaking his head to clear it, Jared answered her. "Oh, um, yes. We have a cook. Why do you ask?"

"Can you call them in here?"

"Sure," Jared said, before turning to Tommy. "Can you go find Abner, and tell him Angel wants to speak to him. Then call Alex," he turned back to Angel, "I'm assuming he's still with Tabitha?" When she nodded, he directed his attention back to Tommy. "Tell them to come over and bring Angel some clothing. I'm sure she'd be most comfortable in her own."

Tommy nodded his head. "Anything else?" he asked before he reached the door.

"Just make sure you get someone to fix up the guest rooms. There's the large suite on the third floor you can you. It has two empty rooms on either side of it. Use those so the Alpha's enforcers can be near him. That will make them feel better, knowing their Alpha is safe and near."

"On it," Tommy said as he finally walked out the door.

Once they were alone, Angel shifted her position on Jared's lap so she was sitting sideways and wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning her side against his chest. Jared wrapped his arms around her waist, enjoying the feel of her body on his. He could hold his little mate for eternity, he decided.

"So," Angel said as she snuggled as close as she could. "If you have a cook, why was the kitchen empty earlier?"

Jared grinned sheepishly. "I asked him to give us some privacy."

"But, I didn't see you talking to anyone."

Jared tapped his temple and grinned at her again. "Mind link. I'm the Alpha, so I can send out mental messeges to my pack. Since you're my mate, once we complete the bond, you'll be able to as well."

"I'll be able to talk to your pack?"

"Actually, they'll be OUR pack, Angel."

Angel gaped at Jared as his words sank in. "What do you mean? 'OUR PACK'?"

Jared took a breath and tried to explain. "So, you know we're mates, and I'm the Alpha." When Angel nodded, he continued. "Well, normally, when a pair mates, the woman usually joins her mate's pack. Sometimes, the man will join the woman's, but its rare. But, since I'm the Alpha, I can't really join your pack.

"The Alpha's mate is called the Luna. She's basically the female Alpha. Anyways, she is the one who gives out orders around the house; the care and upkeep of the pack house. When we have guests, she's the one who will make sure that the guest rooms are cleaned, aired out and ready. She orders the menu and gets with the cook and makes sure everyone, not just the people in the house, are taken care of and cared for. If someone has a problem, they can come to her."

"So basically, she's the gal in charge! Awesome. But you're still not answering my question," she said tersely. "What do you mean, 'OUR PACK'?"

"Well, um, if you decide to accept me as your mate, you'll be the Luna."

Before Angel could process what Jared had just shared with her, there was a short knock on the door before it opened and a short, balding man with glasses perched on the bridge of his nose stuck his head in.

"Alpha? Tommy said you wanted to see me?"

"Yes, Abner, I do," Jared said as he swiviled his chair to face the man coming in the door. "This is Angel. She's the one who asked about you. Angel," he turned to address his mate, "this is Abner, our cook. Did you want to talk to him?"

Angel heaved a sigh and turned her attention to the man still standing in the doorway, but not without muttering a threat to Jared about their conversation being over. "Hello, Abner," she said with a smile. "It's nice to meet you."

"Miss," Abner said in greeting. "Was there something I can do for you?"

"Yes. There will be another Alpha coming to visit the Pack. He'll be here this evening." She glanced back at Jared. "What time did he say he'd be here?"

Jared looked at the email that was still open on his computer screen and relayed the estimated time Alpha Williamson's flight would be in.

"Okay, so assuming there's no flight delays, he should be here around eight tonight. Now, we just need to decide to when to have a dinner prepared. I'm thinking he might like to relax after all the excitement tonight, so let's plan something for tomorrow evening. Since you're the cook- do you prefer the title 'cook' or 'Chef'?" Angel asked, cocking her head to the side.

"Um, either would be fine..." the older man said as he shot a questioning look at Jared.

"Oh, okay," she said, before continuing. "Well, like I was saying, since you're the CHEF," she stressed the more refined title, a sly grin on her face, "you know what is stocked in the kitchen. What do you think we should serve for the visitors?"

Abner blinked at her. Who was this strange girl to come into his pack's house and stick her nose into their business? Glancing at Jared, he sent him a mental, 'Alpha?' At Jared's nod, he turned his attention back to Angel.

"I'm not quite sure, right off the top of my head. If you'll excuse me, I'll go make a list of everything available, and bring back a notebook so we can plan a menu, if you want."

"That will be great," Angel said with a smile on her face. She watched as the small man turned and headed back out the door. Once the door clicked shut, she spun around and fixed Jared with a glare. "Okay, Mr. Alpha-dude. Spill. And no stalling this time. What do you mean, if i accept you? I thought once we found our mates, we were compelled to complete the bond?"

Jared sighed before he rested his head on Angel's shoulder, his face cradled next to her neck. "Yes, that's true. Once we meet our mates, we feel a compulsion to complete the bond as soon as possible. However, the bond can only be completed when both people accept it. If one person doesn't want to be tied to the other, they can formally reject the other, and the bond won't form. It doesn't happen often, but it has happened. When it does happen, they both go on with their lives, but its like they're missing a vital part of their lives. And, essentially, they are. We only have one soul mate, and if we reject our mates, then we're rejecting part of our soul. We lead only half lives."

"That sounds awful," Angel breathed out as she shuddered at the thought of rejecting Jared.

"It is," he agreed, raising his head and looking into her eyes. "Like I said, its rare that it happens, but it does happen. The rejected wolf usually ends up trying to commit suicide to escape the pain of living without their full soul."

Angel stared into Jared's eyes as everything he hadn't said sank in. He was afraid she would reject him. She could see it in his eyes, and it dawned on her why he would worry about it. When they had admitted to each other that they were mates, she had told him she wanted to take it slow. He had spent all week worried that she would refuse him, even as they had gotten to know each other.

"Jared," she whispered as she leaned closer to him. "I am not going to reject you. You are my mate. I don't think I could live without you even if I wanted to."

She watched as his brow furrowed as her word sank in.

"What are you saying, Little One?" he asked, hope tinging his voice.

"I'm saying: I accept you as my mate, and I want you to finish Claiming me."

Angel closed her eyes and leaned in, bringing her lips to his.

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