part 6

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le·gal age

the age at which a person takes on the rights and responsibilities of an adult.



harry was ready for more faces to know. he was able to come as soon as he received the letter, unlike some men that were given four days to wrap life up and get on the train then.

he was excited for nurses, as were the other men, but not for the same reason. he got along better with women; harry loved women, and he knew and thanked his mother for it everyday, and was excited to talk about more than death, with someone who knew how to use soap.

nurses defied death, and harry found that fascinating, so he figured they might not want to talk about what they did after working was on a break.

"styles! get back into ranks!"

and harry wanted to go home.

he trotted over quickly, making it just before the very last man out of his tent, avoiding a glare from his reporting officer and thirty pushups.

instead, he got a full mustache going up to rest nearly on his own lip, and dark, dark brown eyes staring deep into his sharp green. a sniff and a spit while keeping eye contact nearly the whole time, harry did nothing but look ahead and avoid the man.

"how old are ye, fairy*?"

"old enough, sir."

"ey, but watch it, faggot*. you are no longer waiting for your recruitment, so you will not lie to me. now how old are ye?"

"i did not lie, sir; respectively. i am of age. just that, sir."

and harry created an enemy on his own side of the war.

and he lied that he was of the legal age.



*a male who acts feminine but not neccessarily means that they are gay/queer.
*an offensive slang term for a gay man. Though originally meant "a bundle of sticks".

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