part 18

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post-traumatic stress disorder (ptsd)

a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event — experiencing it or witnessing it.


niall found harry, who had given up his search after seeing the event of the evening, sat in the mud, bag discarded and regret filling the trench.

the light brunette carried the curly haired boy by the shoulder to his bunk, where he kicked out an older boy once showing him harry's face, and placed him softly in the rough bed, sans bed roll. he told the other five boys not to touch the muddy kid and took off back to retrieve the discarded bags, seeing a few true brits pulling the german bodies back into the trench and stripping the uniforms off. niall shook his head sharply, and pushed his way back to his mud room, seeing others had filtered into the makeshift room, claiming more space and making it a group of eleven full grown men.

harry layed, still shocked, now wrapped his arms around his knees again and turned towards the wall, nearly too large to fit at all.

"we need to sort a system out so we aren't off too bad, but right now, i need to help him so could we split for a bit, lads?" he stated, nudging harry for him to turn over while he was talking.

a large bloke, well off in shoulders, pushed his mate, a tall, skinny boy with a rad jawline, chuckling, "oh, didn't realise we chose the queen's dorm." he rolled his eyes.

niall shook his head again, and he pulled harry from the shelf. "your choice, mate, could care less myself, but i doubt your bird would like to hear you stay in cramped areas with naked men when you have the choice of leaving."

the man paled, muttering "not fucking queers*" but stood and flooded out with the majority of the other men, possibly thinking the same thing and the reactions of their women. a few men stayed, a card game in the midst, and one was writing while another looked right at niall before he shruggled and continued grooming his moustach and shaving.

harry shook, and niall began to strip him as if he were a child. "alright, kid, let's get you back to the boy we know you are."

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