part 12

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feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.


"i just don't understand why we get shower times before pt. we're just gettin' gross after spending time cleanin'." niall inquired, balancing his cards into a house, grinning and slowly pumping his fist in the air when they stayed before going to place another card.

harry sat up on his left arm, glancing at the eyebrows that he had grown fond of cross together at the middle, letting crinkles show on the irish man's forehead. "we aren't officers, why would we deserve something that makes sense? and we're lucky we can even shower." a smile tickled his lips, though his words were said as a monotone.

another card was layed, niall sighing lightly. "we need promotions, haz." he said in joke, knowing full well that wouldn't happen.

harry stuck his finger out, knocking a bottom card, giggling when niall sighed heavily and stood up, abandoning the cards at the foot of harry's cot.

harry leaned back, closing his eyes for a moment, before feeling the cot shift and something hit his nose. the boy opened his eyes to look at niall, who was moving his hand away from harry's face, wiggling his finger and letting his eyes twinkle before flopping onto the younger boy, who groaned and earned loud laughter from the latter.

"get off me, you drunken mess!"

niall laughed.

harry felt content; niall always had that effect, even in the worst hours.

even if they were at war.

even though he missed louis.

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