Still Nothing

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After her exam the nurses brought Katherine's body to her room where Keithan was waiting for her.

"Hey sis!" He said sadly. "It's been two days since the last you were woke. This is hard seeing you like this, Kathy!" He said starting to cry. "They don't know what's wrong with you, but they're keeping you here to watch your brain activity. You gotta wake up sis... You know how these things go like what happened with mom and dad. I'll never pull the plug! I can't do that with you big sis when your all I have in this whole world! I need you... I love you... I miss you..." He said as he laid his head on her.

Then he said: "Sis I'll be back! I'm gonna go visit some places I've found online that may have something I can use to wake you up. I'm gonna find a way to help you, okay! You just hang in there! I love you!" He said kissing her forehead then he left.

The Amulet Soul Necklace 2:  DreamworldWhere stories live. Discover now