Spiritual Awakening

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So when Keithan made it home he went to visit Katherine in the hospital. It now made six days since she fell into a coma.

Keithan: "Hey Sis!" I know you probably can't hear me, but I'm coming to get you, so just hang in there! Love you!" He said hugging her.

Then he went back home, and looked for that necklace top to bottom in her room until he finally found it! Then he laid in his sister's bed to feel close to her energy, put the necklace on, and focused on linking with her spirit as he fell asleep.

He suddenly woke up and looked around. He was still in Katherine's room. So he got up and walked outside, and sat on the Porch.

"I don't understand what went wrong". He said out loud as he touched the necklace to make sure it was still on. Then he looked at his phone to see what time it was, and saw a missed call, from Kathy's number!

"Missed call from Kathy three days ago..!" He said confused.

"No way..." He said. Then he saw that she left a voicemail.
"What in the world!" He said. So he checked it, and it was Katherine telling him she was going to hangout with a friend, and for him to call her soon as he received that message.

"Oh.... I'm here! I'm in the spirit realm! Wow... Okay! So let me call her then!" He thought out loud.

So he called her phone and it rung. Then it rung a second time. Then the third ring to his surprise: "Keithan! Boy why you just now calling me back!" Katherine snapped at him!

"Kathy?! Sis! I can't believe I'm talking to you right now! Oh my gosh! Where are you, and who are you with?!" Keithan asked anxiously.

"Answer my question first! Where have you been?! I've been waiting on you to call me back!"

"It's a long story sis! We gotta link up! Where you at I'll come to you?!" He said.

"That's not gonna be possible, bro!"

"Why not?" Keithan asked.

"Because I'm not even in town right now!"

"Where the hell are you then?!"
Keithan asked curiously.

"I'm in Hawaii!" She said excitedly!

"Hawaii?! Dang.. that's awesome sis! Well who you with?" He asked.

"Well see, bro, that's a long and confusing story right there!" She told him.

"Okay... Well tell me." He said.

So Katherine proceeded to tell him about Angel, and all he told her. Of coarse Keithan gave his two cents on how she could even be around Angel at all considering he had to kill him to free her, but Katherine explained his change after he died, and how she's actually really happy with him, and has moved past all that happened. Keithan was shocked, but he already knew to expect her with someone she was spiritually linked to thanks to the Antique shop owner in Mexico.

"Sis, we gotta meet up! I'm coming to Hawaii!" He said.

"What no! I'll be back in a couple of days."
She said.

"No, sis, I'll be there! Where y'all staying at? What I have to tell you has to be done face to face and now!" He insisted.

"Is everything okay, Keithan? Your not in any trouble are you?" She asked concerned.

"No, it's not like that, but it can't be said over the phone so I'm on my way! Text me the address!" He said then hung up.

"Keithan?! Keithan!?" She called out.

"Well..., that was intense..." Angel said.

"I gotta text him the address because he's definitely on his way! I wonder what he has to tell me that's so important he has to come way to Hawaii to let me know?" She said.

"I don't know, but I'm gonna try my best to give y'all space because I'm not trying to get caught up in nothing this time around." Angel stated.

"I know..." She said.

"Katherine, I just want to tell you, I love you... You being in my life again after what happened is a miracle and blessing for me! I'm so thankful... Thank you for giving me another chance to love you...."

"Awe... My Angel! " She said kissing him on his cheek. "Now, let's ride! Yea!! So much fun!! I actually can't wait for Keithan to come so he can ball out with us! An don't worry, I got you okay!" She assured Angel.

"Okay...." He said.
Then they took off on their bikes!

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