Another Side

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Angel while gazing up at the stars, started drifting off into the thoughts of what happened to him after he died.

As he lay there dying, while Katherine held him taking his last breath, his soul exited his body. He also watched her call the cops, and her and Keithan explain what happened. He followed her everywhere she went, and realized she still had the necklace on letting Angel know he was still linked to her. He shed a tear when they took his body away not knowing what was to become of it since it was out of Katherine's hands at that point, and he had no intention to follow it because he didn't want to leave Katherine's side.

He stood beside her, and watched as she stood in the mirror, and slowly took the necklace off, and put it into a shoe box, on a shelf, at the back of her closet. She went to shower, and he watched as she broke down crying over all that happened to her as he cried longing to comfort her, and trying to but to no prevail. She didn't even know he was there....

He listened as her, and Keithan reflected on his death, and at that point he felt even more remorse for what he had done to her.

When Katherine went into her room, and stared out the window as he crossed her mind; He felt her pain of missing him...

As Katherine lay sleeping he realized he had to try to connect with her in an attempt to make things right. He went to the closet, and tried for the necklace. He knew he couldn't touch Katherine, but since the necklace was spiritual would he be able to touch it...?
He went for it as his hand went straight through the box, and to his surprise grabbed the necklace! He slowly walked over to Katherine with the necklace not knowing what would happen, and put it on her. Nothing happened that he could tell. He waited half the night, and since nothing happened he took it off, and put it back in the box. He stood over her in tears saying his goodbyes forever, and decided to let his final departure be a recompense for hurting her. Then he left to roam the spirit realm that was now his reality...

As he roamed, he realized he could manifest things instantly. He manifested his life as it was in the physical realm; then he went home, showered, and got in bed to go to sleep.  As he laid there he suddenly got an overwhelming feeling to go out; so he got up, and went to find a place to have some food and drinks.

As he roamed a club of the spirit realm he wondered if he should connect with the other beings or not when suddenly he spotted someone he seemed to recognize sitting at a bar.

"No... It couldn't be." Angel whispered to himself when the woman suddenly looked at him!

"Katherine!" He said out loud noticing it was her as the woman quickly turned her head noticing him stare at her. Then Angel quickly ran to the side hoping to get a closer look at her discreetly!

"I wonder if she noticed it was me... How is she here right now? Nothing happened when I put the necklace on..." He thought to himself. Then he followed her to the hookah room, and watched her for a minute.

"Since I'm only spirit now, her spirit must of came to this realm to link with me! I must go to her!!" He thought to himself as he walked over to her and sat down.

"Here we go... It's about to get real...." He thought to himself as she turned to look at him!

The Amulet Soul Necklace 2:  DreamworldWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu