Chapter 1

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Today was December 12, 2008, the day the hybrids were born. Created really. They all turned fifteen today. Little did they know that on their fifteenth birthday they would start experiencing their powers, but they were about to find out.

Since Louis was the first one created, he got his power first. Louis has super speed, he can run speeds up to as fast as a bullet shooting out of a gun. He was that fast. Louis was at his championship football game today. He was about to find out he has a super power. Luckily, when he experienced his super ability he was practicing alone on the field before his game even started. Of course his power is controllable, but only after you get the hang of it.

He was going to run from one side of the field to the other, the normal routine he did before a big game when he suddenly didn’t feel like he was running anymore but floating almost. He got to the end of the field in less than two seconds. He didn’t know what was happening but he enjoyed it. He was really fast! He looked around to make sure no one saw him cross the field in the blink of an eye but no one was around. Good thing too because who knows how much trouble he would've gotten in to.

After the game started and he finally got the hang of his gift, he used it only slightly to his advantage causing him to win the championship game for his team. Only his own mother took notice in how much faster he ran than the other boys. She knew what she had to do when they got home. Tell him about his power.

Zayn was next to get his power. Zayn’s power consisted of him being able to camouflage himself to his surroundings. Also known as the ability to turn invisible. He figured out he had this ability when he just got out of the shower and he was about to get dressed. He forgot to lock his door and his mom walked in on him to tell him happy birthday. Zayn screamed of course and he vanished. His mom was expecting it really because she knew what today was and she was told about his super power when the agency handed the baby over to her fifteen years ago.

After Zayn reappeared, got dressed, and sat down on his bed, his mother explained everything to him. How she couldn’t have a baby of her own so the agency gave him to her, how he was created in a laboratory, his power to turn invisible whenever he wanted, and for him to use his powers maturely because no one was to know about his special power.

Liam was the third one created. He has super strength, meaning he could lift an elephant with only the smallest finger on his hand. This gift can come in handy, but it can also be a downfall if he doesn’t learn how to control his anger.

Liam first found out that he has super strength when his parents made him mad and he punched through his bedroom wall. His mom came in and seen the mess of his wall and thats when she had to explain why it happened. She told Liam that she wanted a son so badly so when the agency offered his parents a son, they gladly accepted.

Niall was the fourth one. He has the amazing ability to see into the future. He can see the moves people are going to make before they have a chance to make them. If the future brings him troubles, he has a few seconds to dodge them before they happen. Once he hones his powers and learns to control them, he will soon be able to view multiple possibilities of the future. But that will come only with practice.

On his fifteenth birthday he came down the stairs because his mother was calling him for breakfast. He had a feeling he already knew what she made. It was his favorite, french toast, two eggs, three strips of bacon, and a glass of orange juice. When he arrived to the kitchen he was shocked to see that his breakfast was exactly what he imagined it to be.

“I knew you were going to make this. I could see it.” he said to his mother who gave him a small smile because she knew that her son was growing up.

“Happy Birthday Niall. Do you want to open your presents now?” she asked him after he was finished eating his breakfast.

Niall paused for a little bit and closed his eyes before answering. He could see himself opening his presents. He got exactly what he wanted. He was so excited. When he opened his eyes he was smiling so big at his mother.

“Thanks for the presents Mom, I’m going to love them.” he said almost laughing.

His mom looked over to the small pile of unopened presents and gave Niall a hug. She was fighting back a tear wanting to escape. Her son was finally matured, and he got his power.

Harry was the last one made. The Scientist thought it was a good idea to give him the outstanding power of mind reading. It suited Harry well. He was able to read any mind in a mile radius of him. He will be able to hear someone’s thoughts before they said them, or even if it had nothing to do with what they are about to say. It’s a cool power all in all.

It was Harry’s fifteenth birthday and his older sister was sent upstairs to go wake him up. His sister knew what today was, not only his birthday, but the day he is supposed to get his super power. Harry’s mom had his older sister, Gemma, in a previous marriage. She wasn’t from the agency. She didn’t have any super powers. But her brother did. Her mom, Anne, adopted Harry from the agency when he was a baby. They told her that her new addition of the family was special. They told her that on his fifteenth birthday he was to develop a super power of mind reading. Anne didn’t mind that her son was different. She was going to treat him like he was a normal boy. But she knew that fifteen years from now, she’s going to have to break the news to him.

“Harry wake up!” Gemma shook Harry awake, as it was time for him to get up.

“Stop it Gems. I’m sleeping.”

Let’s test this out. Harry, can you hear me?

 “Gems, I said I’m sleeping.” He turned over to look at her.

Happy birthday Harry, she thought to him.

“I just heard… but your lips… how did I… what’s going on Gemma?”

Gemma called their mom up to his room because she felt it was only right for Anne to explain what is happening to Harry. After hearing everything, he felt like a very powerful fifteen year old. He accepted his power, and his responsibilities that came with it.

All five of these boys got their powers on the same day. They didn’t know about each other yet, but little did they know that three years later they would all meet each other at the same university.


A/N: so how do you like it so far? please vote and comment if you read it. it would mean alot. we really need your input so we can continue the story! also, follow us on twitter if you'd like: @cautioniall & @stolenourry thanks guys!! love ya xx


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