Chapter 3

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Two years have passed, and by now the boys have become quite accustomed to the everyday life of a university teen. Louis is playing for the football team, and he’s the best striker they’ve seen in ages. Liam has won two championship wrestling matches, and his grades haven’t dropped, as his mother may have feared. Zayn is excelling in the art program, and three of his works have made it to showings at the local gallery, and one even earned an honorable mention in a contest he entered. Niall has been relaxing, and has met some friends that he has jam sessions with every now and then, but they wouldn’t call themselves a real band. And as for Harry, well he is just making the best he can of his university career. He joined a fraternity his second year, and he’s been living the very typical uni student life.

The fraternity Harry joined his second year, Alpha Kappa Psi (AKPsi), just so happens to be the fraternity the other 4 boys have rushed this year. Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Niall, all with different backgrounds and interests chose to rush the same fraternity. It’s fate. Their initiation was completed last weekend, and there were quite crazy tasks involved. This weekend is the first frat party of the school year, and needless to say, all five boys are absolutely chuffed about it.

 It was closing in on 10:00pm, which was the start of the party at the AKPsi house. Harry, having joined the previous year, already had a room in the frat house; the boys who joined this year wouldn’t get a room until next semester. Harry was in his room, listening to his frat brothers downstairs.

 This party is going to be so wicked. I hope there are plenty of ladies tonight was what Lucas, the tall blonde haired president of the frat was thinking. Harry rolled his eyes at his boyish intent.

 I don’t even care how shitty this place gets. Cleaning in the morning will be worth it, the first party of the semester is always sick. No classes to worry about, no --, thought Ashton, the oldest member of the frat. Ashton’s thoughts were cut short as a knock came from the front door downstairs, meaning the party was about to begin. Harry threw his journal in the drawer of the beside table, used the cap of the pen to fasten it to the front cover of the journal, before shutting the drawer.

He stood from his bed, and stretched a bit loosening his muscles. He was very excited for this party. Even though it’s been his scene for a year now, he never could get enough of the smell of beer, the smoke in the air, and the closeness of the people. He was a social butterfly, this is where he thrived. Plus, it was always comical to listen in on everyone’s thoughts.

Harry makes it down the stairs just in time to see that the people at the door were some of the newest members carrying in a few cases of beer each. Two of the guys were holding 24 packs of the Foster’s, the other two holding 24 packs of Stella Atrtois. These beers added to the keg of Carling in the back yard and 6 or so cases the two fridges in the kitchen held should last the whole party.

Before long the living room, kitchen, and backyard of the frat house are swarming with people. Harry, Louis and Niall find themselves in the backyard, while Zayn and Liam are inside watching a beer pong match unfold in the livingroom.

Harry heads over to the keg to refill his red cup, and Niall is on his way to do the same. Harry hears Niall’s thoughts before he sees him.

“Hey, almost done, then it’s all you,” Harry says, turning towards Niall.

“Thanks, mate,” Niall says as Harry hands the tap to Niall.

“Hey lads, want to head inside for a game of Ring of Fire?” Louis, slightly slurring his words, says as he approaches Niall, Harry, and Michael, another new member, who were all hanging out near the keg.

“Hell yeah, love this game.” Michael says, rushing passed Louis to get inside first.

“Uh, sure, guess so.” Niall says, shrugging.

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