Chapter 10

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The next morning came far too soon for Louis, as he had to wake up at 6:00 am for his football practice that started at 7:00. He lazily put on his long blue gym shorts, a baggy grey sweater, and some knee high grey socks, with his eyes still half shut. He made his way out of his dorm with his cleats in his hands and his Toms on his feet.

Louis stumbled to the football pitch on the other end of campus, barely aware of his surroundings. However, when he got on the field and his coach started shouting at the team their drills for the day, he quickly woke up.

Practice lasted about 3 hours, and by the time 10:00 rolled around, Louis was not only wide awake, but also very hungry. He walked into the locker room, and headed straight for the showers.

Niall was sitting outside of Kaptopsis by himself at one of the tables. He was catching up on his reading for his European History class. His stomach was growling, but he told himself that his reward for finishing his homework before class would be to get himself some breakfast.

Suddenly, Niall was hit with another vision. He watched as he saw himself being greeted by Louis, fresh out of the shower after his football practice. Louis sat next to him while he finished reading and the two got lunch together.

The vision then faded out, and he was back in real time. “Sweet, looks like I won’t be eating alone at least,” Niall said aloud to himself.

When Louis got dressed and put his shin guards and cleats in his locker, he closed the door, put the lock back on it and turned the dial. He made his way out of the locker room and saw Leigh-Laurie leaning against the wall of the hallway waiting for him.

“Hey!” he said with a huge smile on his face, “what are you doing here?”

“I was waiting for you to get out of football practice,” Leigh-Laurie answered going in for a hug.

Louis gladly accepted the hug, and was very thankful he didn’t skip his shower this morning. He recognized how good Leigh-Laurie smelled, and complimented her. “You smell lovely, Leigh.”

“Thanks, Louis, as do you,” she blushes and tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

“Hey, since you’re here, mind joining me for lunch? Err, breakfast?” Louis laughs, a twinge of nervousness in his voice.

“I’d love to,” she grabs his hand and intertwines their fingers with confidence.

“Great!” he smiles widely, looking down at their interlaced hands, and blushing slightly. He wasn’t sure why this girl made him feel so giddy, but he welcomed the feeling.

On the walk to the cafe, Leigh-Laurie had plenty of questions to ask Louis about his football practice, and football in general, and he answered all of her questions. He was slowly, or maybe not so slowly, becoming quite infatuated with her, and he wanted to do everything he could to impress her.

The two passed Liam and Zayn walking into the library. Even after the past three days, it still felt a bit weird for the boys when they would make not so coincidental encounters with one another.

Liam was so interested in Zayn’s theories from the night before that he decided to meet up with him and accompany him to the library to do some research. However, their current conversation was not entirely about their powers at all.

“So wait, you HAVE got a girlfriend then. Does she go here?” Liam asked Zayn, curiosity in his voice.

“Nah, she lives back home in Bradford. Her name is Louise. We’ve been dating for a while now, since right before I enrolled in this university. She didn’t want to come here though because she already got accepted into a fancy theater school that I can’t remember the name of,” Zayn chuckled at his awful memory, and made a mental note to call Louise after he got done in the library. He hasn’t had a decent conversation with her since he met the boys it seems.

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