Chapter Fifteen

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Matt has been staring at me for a good few minutes. In this time, I've noticed a few things about our surroundings. First of all, we're the only two left in the room. Obviously, the others left when they saw that things were getting a little steamy in here. Second of all, the last time I was conscious was around two in the afternoon, time has passed. Speaking of time, Matt seems to be taking his.

He breathes heavily. Sex, we're both thinking about it. To have sex or not to have sex? That is the question. I already have an answer, I want him. If he wants me, then it shall be. I love him and want to make love to him.

"What about marriage?" He winces.

What? Marriage!

"Don't you want to marry me first?"

Holy quavers! Is he actually considering marriage? He said he loved me but isn't that a stretch. I can't just marry him, he's only met Claire. He has to meet my parents and the rest of my family first.

"You want to marry me?"

"Well yes, eventually."

What? It's been a few days! "Wh—how? How do you know?"

"I love you and I have never loved another woman and I never will love another woman. You are the one for me. You are the woman I shall marry and the mother of my unborn children."

Who the hell thinks this far ahead? Marriage and kids are something I did not expect to be talking about at the age of twenty-four, especially when I've only been in a "relationship" for five minutes.

"Look," Matt says, "I'm not Christian, but I think we should wait for marriage. I want to respect your religion so that we can compromise."

"But marriage is miles away." I frown.

"Do you want to have sex right now?"

Yes! "I don't know?" That means yes, Matt. It means hell fucking yes

He rolls me over so he's on top, "I'll give you something to hold you for the time being. I'll give you enough right now so you have the strength to wait."

Is it lust or is it love? Either way I'm loving being this close to him.
"Give me what?" I breathe.

"The sex you want right now is all about sensation. The sex I want is all about the meaning."  He says while unbuttoning all the buttons on his shirt, holy windows, "I'll give you the sensation and then when we're married, I'll give you what you need to make our young."

"How can you give me the sensation without us having sex?"

He freezes as he takes his shirt off. Take it off. Take it off. Take it off. "Didn't you try some stuff out with your past boyfriends?"

"My previous boyfriend was an ass that pressured me about sex so I refused to give him the satisfaction. I broke up with him." I explain slowly, avoiding his stare.

"Well his loss is my gain," he says and I smile, "what about any other boyfriends?"

"I haven't had any other boyfriends."

"Then who did you lose your virginity to?"

Oh no. He thinks I've had sex. How could he think that? I'm fucking Christian, but then again, everyone's dropping their pants nowadays.
I don't want to say it! He'll probably think I'm prude and dump me. Most likely, he'll think I'm a freak and run away, I mean, who's ever heard of the twenty-four year old virgin?

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