Chapter Fifty

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This is just a heads up. I've already set this book as 'mature' simply because I knew that this chapter was an essential part of the story, but I know that some just ignore that rating thingamajug.

This chapter, in particular, is very sensitive and graphic. It covers a sensitive topic that might offend/upset people, even if you're old enough to read this.

In one of the previous chapters, I did mention that things are going to get more depressing and upsetting as the book continues and this, again, was one of the things I was talking about.

With that said, this is an essential part of the story and skipping this chapter will only lead to you being confused later on (unless you're smart enough to figure it out on your own😉).

So you've travelled 49 chapters and are awaiting the big five-oh! Well then I shall talk no more.

Wait, but first I'm going to apologise for this loooooong ass Author's note (and the possibly long one at the end of the chapter. Sorry guys🙈😊) that I wrote simply because I want to avoid any negative comments about this book and any hassle from my readers.

When you finish this chapter, you'll realise it wasn't that deep, but I don't want little, brave and sneaky 'tweenagers' getting nightmares.

Thanks for being patient (or skipping the whole thing because it's just too damn long) and enjoy!

- Eve

It looks like it's time for the truth to come out, don't you think?

"Oh my... God."

A young Matt. That's what's on the screen.

I feel can feel my eyes widen, creating an ocean in the room with the moving images jumping in them and Matt slowly drowning in it. What is this supposed to be? A screening of Matthew's adolescence? The reason why this footage is showing doesn't snap me into some sudden realisation. I have no idea what the fudge is going on.

In all honesty, I think this is Matt's petty excuse of keeping me here. It's just so that he can show me his cute teenage self and I'll be all lovey-dovey forgiving. Well actually, now that I think of it, young Matt doesn't at all look cute or teenage.

"If this is you trying to keep me here–" my words stop flowing out of my mouth when I look at Matt's face.

Fear. Dread. Guilt. Regret.

That's all there is.

Now, I don't think he planned this. He's probably just as surprised as I am. No. Surprised doesn't even cover it; mortified is more accurate.

"We should go." He starts pulling me back to the door we came from, but I, yet again, fight against him.

"No. Wait!" I grunt.

"Hello? Who's there?" On the screen, a woman walks down the stairs of the house.

For the first two minutes, it showed Matt arriving to what I think is his childhood home. He sat on the couch and turned on the TV. Now, his mother is creeping down the stairs to see who's home.

"Oh." She sighs when she sees him.

Immediately, her stance changes, making her demeanour more pleasant. Before, it was cautious and suspicious, but now she seems more comfortable.

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