The Light To My Darkness

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The once bright sun, slowly fades back into the blackness of the night. The beautiful sunset, full of personality, and color fades away with it. As the black clear night sky takes over. The moon no were to be found. As only darkness takes over. Sitting staring out the window. I watch as the sun disappears, the thing that brightens up the world, so it doesn't have to live in the darkness. Everyone has there own light, like the earth has the sun. Everyone has that person, that when they around, you feel loved, cared for. That person breaks the darkness, and makes your world, turn from the night sky to the bright sunny day. Everyone has that person, they might not be there in there life right now, but everyone will eventually find there sun, to their night sky. As for me, I sit there in my room staring. Staring into the night sky. Realizing what had happened. Realizing that I made a mistake. The only person that could truly always brighten my world up, might be gone. My best friend, and now ex-girlfriend, could be gone. As now, we have broken up, thinking it's for best. "A stupid idea on your part" the voices, what I consider to be my night sky, my darkness comes back, as I lost my light, my bright sun. Holding my sides, trying to ignore the pain that had come from early that day. Scars that now mark my body, scars that have proven I have succumb to the darkness mark my ribs, and sides. "Come on, just hurt yourself already" having nothing around, all I can do is dig my nails into my arm. Trying to cause blood. Trying to do anything. Moving to my bed tears start to fall. They don't stop, as I keep thinking about her, about the love of my life, about the person I care so much about. She was the only one I knew who would be there. The person I could trust the most. She was my best friend. My girlfriend. She was my everything, but now. She is just my friend, as I was the one who ruined us, I was the idiot, who mentioned breaking up. Now the day has passed and I realized how much of a mistake that was. I listened to the darkness, I listened thinking it would be better, as they kept repeating "just do it, it would be better. Come on just do it you know it will be" I listened to them. I listened to the voice that has cause me so much pain. The voices that I know, want to hurt me, and they did. The voices that are my own. I hurt myself, I was an idiot to let her go, to listen to my inner voice when all it does is cause me pain. I have lost her, she says she still loves me, that she wants to keep dating. That she needs time to think, but I don't have much hope. As I know, until the problem that cause this all goes away. She won't want any part of me. She will stay by my side still be my friend, but not anymore she be my girlfriend. I'll keep dying inside, and give her time, as I want to be able to say that she is my partner. I want to be able to say, a girl so perfect like her, I want to say that I am her girlfriend. She's a beautiful girl, yet she doesn't think it's true, but it is. I have never found a girl so perfect like her. Everything about her is perfect, there is nothing I couldn't love. Her eyes, her hair, her body is just perfect to me. Her personality is perfect. I love that she's protective, that she will always hold me close. That she always wants to hug me, kiss me hold me close. She's perfect, she's been my friend sense 4th grade and now I am at the end of my freshman year. We have been friends so long, nothing could tear us apart. I have loved her sense 7th grade, and if we were still dating to today. I could say that this is our 1 year, but, only a couple of days ago, we said it was done. I just wanted to say, that no mater what my love, you will always be in my heart. As its forever and always for us. We will get married and have our winter wonderland, we will have our daughter Skylar, and our little boy. We will have all our pets, the hound dog name, floppy, and the cat Reeses. We will have all the other ones we mentioned, as there are to many to name. We will live in the north of Maine, in a small little cabin, up in the woods in a small little town. We will be writers together, but of course that won't be it. We can open up our small cupcake shop, and it will be perfect. Our future I am not giving up, my love. I still plan on becoming your wife, and you'll be able to see me in the wedding dress. I won't give up on you, and won't move on. I love you to dearly to just let you go. I love you cupcake. I always will.
She's my light to my darkness, the sun that takes over the night. I love her, and it will always be forever and always. As I can't live with out her light, I'll wait of I have to, to have my light back, even if that means dying in the darkness.

I love you, cupcake, forever and always. You'll always be the light to my darkness, love

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