Let me say goodbye

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Why, why do you do this to me. Write all those things and then dedicate it to me. Saying what had happened in the past. The past that's been killing me. It never seems to be anything good as I read the story. It's all stuff I do that makes you upset. Why dedicate something like that to me? The tears want to build in my eyes, yet I keep them back. Do you not realize it hurts me so much? The past is what's been killing me, breaking me down. The thing that been telling me to kill myself, to punish myself. Do you not remember the conversations we had? Me telling you what was the wrong. That the past is coming back and I can't stand what I did. What happened to that conversation? Are you just ignoring it, bringing up what I did when you were mad. It hurts so much, to hear you say that. It hurts to hear you bring up her, do you not know the regret I have? The hours I cried. How close I have been to ending it. The times I have been close to breaking out promise. Just because I think of it, thinking on how much I hurt you, how much trouble I caused. Do you not realize that I get it is my fault. I get that the stuff happened because of me. That everything would have been okay, if it wasn't for me. Do you think I do not realize it. I realize it was my fault. I realize what I had done. I realize how much I hurt you. How much trouble I had caused. I get all of that, all of what I done. So I sit here now as it slowly eats me alive. To be tagged in something like that, do you think it will make it better? Everything time I see that you have done that, it gets me worried. Worried I'll ready about something bad, that I have done wrong. Yet that's all it is, all I have ever done wrong, you do say you love me and all of that. But the words put before it, make it seem like nothing but a vessel trying to minimize the pain that comes while reading it. Reading about the past. The past that's been wanting to end me. The past that brings tears to my eyes. I read that past, as I read your story. The story that makes me see, see how horrible I am. How right you are when it says you should leave me. So maybe it's right, when you hear you should leave me. If you read into your story's you'll see it yourself. You'll see how horrible I am. So leave me to nothing, and all will be fine. As you won't have to deal with me, and not have to worry. So say goodbye to me, like you have thought, and leave me behind. Like I am the past. leave me behind to live in the past. Leave me behind to feel all the pain I deserve. Leave me behind, like you think. So let me just say, I do love you, and I always will. I am sorry for what I did. I know that can't help, so I will understand why you leave me behind. Let me just say goodbye and I love you for the last time.

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