can't make her happy

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You were a idiot to say something. Look at what you did, made her upset yet again. Can you ever make her happy? Ever make her smile.

"I I can! I I can make her happy.."

Do you really believe you'r self when you say that?


That's what I thought. Now dear, why won't you let me take over you. Don't you feel it? You'r body getting weaker. You'r breathing getting difficult. You'r heartbeat slowing. You'r body is shutting down, and you can't stop it.

"Why? Why, do you make me feel like this."

I am a part of you. You make you feel like this.

"You'r not a part of me"

You'r an idiot, an idiot to think that. I am you. I am just, just the dark side of you. The one that wants to feel pain, because of the stupid shit we did. To leave marks on our skin, to put us down, when we feel so high. To shoot us down from there. To make sure, we can never be happy. To end it all.

"Why? Why would you want me to feel like that?"

It's us sweetheart. I want us to feel like it, because, I am just like that. I am the side of you, that you made up. You'r the reason I am here. You can say its not true all you want, but, it's you'r fault. Just like everything else. Remember the time, it happened not long ago, when you were the reason, you two broke up. Remember that, remember all those times you told her you thought it would be best to break up. That maybe it would be better if you two were just friends. Remember all that.

"S-stop it! I didn't say it, you did!"

I am you sweetheart. You just let me take over you. But you remember it don't you? All those things said, how this was all your fault. You were the reason the problem started. You were the one that kept it going. She's even said "i don't get how I still love you". I don't get it either. She's right when she says you have so much bullshit she has to deal with. She broke up with you and those two days it lasted you made it hell for her. That night she left, you should have left, just in a more permanent way. It would be for best wouldn't it. I mean even now it would be good. Everything was so good...then you mentioned this. This new thing, that made her snap. Dumbass, made her upset. Maybe, we should start punishing ourselves. So we can slowly kill ourselves tell we end it for real..just let me take over forever, and all this will slowly fade away. All the pain and all the arguing. Let me take over and come into the dark forever.

Do you feel that? Your body slowly getting weaker, as it goes limp. You'r pulse getting lighter, as your heart beat gets slower. You'r eyes start closing, as you get tireder and tireder. You'r breathing getting more difficult, as it stops slowly. Do you feel it? You'r body giving up. You'r body going deeper in the darkness. Do you feel it? Do you feel yourself fading away. Do you feel it? Do you feel me wining this battle.

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