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"You know you're an idiot. You are pushing your luck. She's been saying she's done with your bullshit a lot. Maybe she will finally break up with you sweetheart~ don't you feel it.

"The past is rising, your heart is racing.
Everything is falling, the walls are crumbling.
She is fading, the light is gone from the sky.
The tears are falling from your cold eyes.
Nothing is working everything is fading.
Feeling weaker, standing in front of the mirror.
The rope is hanging, ready to go.
Air is gone, just keep gasping
Help is no were to be found.
Happiness is gone.
The light is gone.
Everything is black."

"Can you imagine that? You're mother finding her daughter dead. Hung by a rope. The light in her eyes no gone, the life I'm her body gone. Cold and limp, she just keeps hanging. No breathing can be seen, no pulse can be found. The only thing can be heard is the crying of your mother. The rushing of footsteps downstairs. Imagine the phone call to you girlfriend. The call that breaks it. Can hear the end silent. By the end she is dying, can't you see it. Imagine it. Imagine what would happen, if you left, but just because they would care then, doesn't mean they will care forever. Imagine the future, your beloved girlfriend moving on, to someone much much better. You parents not moping about their lost child. You'll be a memory who just faded. You'll be nothing more then that. So even if you cause pain in the begging, everything will be okay in the end, right?

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