Out of Arkham

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-Gotham, Arkham Asylum-

April 14th

*Danny's POV*

I was sitting next to the Joker, leaning on his shoulder as he telld me about his crimes in Gotham, we've been talki- well I mean he's been talking alot in the past month we talk every day to each other, he's really nice. I might have been a hero but it doesn't matter to me that he's a villain. I really like him and I think he likes me alot too but that could just be wishful thinking. I tune back into the story just in time.

"...and right as the bomb was going to explode BAM Batman swoops in with his pet bird ruining all of my planning." He growls scowling at the wall we were facing. I don't like I when he's not smiling so I touch his face smoothing out the creases. He looks at me and I realize what I just did and look away blushing. He laughs at that and I smile again.

"So Casper its your turn to tell me a story." He says I take a breath, I trust him, so I tell him about my parents.

"My parents were inventors, they were paraded around as the towns freaks, for a while I thought they were crazy too, but they proved us all wrong they found what they were looking for," I say looking at my lap thinking of them.

"What were they looking for Cas," he ask me softly. I open my mouth to answer when the steel doors open.

"Patient number 666 you're leaving today." the guard says. It takes a minute for me to process what the guy said. When I do I am shocked my eyes widen, I can't leave. Who will keep Joker company?

"WHAT! No! Why! I'll just kill more if you let me go what's another thousand going to do, I don't want to go don't make me leave." I exclaim it seems to startle them that's the most I've said to anyone who's not the Joker and I did kinda just say I was a mass murderer, but I REALLY don't want to leave the Joker. The guard looks at me with an indistinguishable gleam in their eye.

"Too bad kid you'll be gone in an hour come on." He said I turn and look at the Joker I hug him tight and he hugs me back loosely.

"When your gone I'll escape and find you." He whispers to me.

"I think I may love you." I say to him, he doesn't answer but I don't think I want him too.

"Come on don't keep the Bat waiting." The guard says impatiently.

"The Bat," Joker whispers and lets go of me I back up a bit cause I know he can get mad really fast.

"DID YOU JUST SAY THE BATMAN IS TAKING HIM?!" The Joker screams. He starts to rant about the Batman ruining all of his plans and messing up his scemes screaming even as he's dragged out of the common area. I try to chase but I'm dragged out towards the door but this time its not steel.

I sit in the interrogation room waiting when the door opens in walks a man in bla- wait this isn't the Batman its a kid dressed as a street light. I remember Joker saying something about the Bat's sidekick Robin dressing as a street light but I thought he was joking.

"Hello!" He exclaims cheerfully.

"I'm Robin and I will be leading you out if this place. So if your ready lets go." He says turning around but I don't follow. He turns back.

"Aren't you coming?" he ask I don't answer but I know my best bet is probably to cooperate, so I stand, and for the first time the inhibitors feel like a thousand pounds.

The Insane Ghost (Young Justice x Danny Phantom crossover)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang