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-Happy Harbor, Mt. Justice-

April 15th

*Danny's POV*

I can't stop thinking about Conner! His kindness, his understanding, his awesome muscles,ugh, damnit I need to stop. Seriously I can't like him, I love Joker. That's the only reason Im even talking to the team in the first place is S I can get back to him, but it doesn't mean I can't look. I guess?

*Third Person POV (Superboy)*

"What's up with you and new guy?" Robin ask Superboy. He looks at Robin with a blank face "Nothing, why would you think there was?" He says with an eyebrow raised. Artemis scowls at him "Well you seemed awfully close to him considering how you were holding hands yesterday," she snaps at him. Superboy looks at her extremely confused. "I was only leading him to the mission room, he didn't know where it was." He stands up, "Actually I haven't seen him all day, I'll go find him." And Superboy leaves the room. He walks down the long corridors of the mountain until he reaches Casp- Danny's door. "Hey are you up?" He ask, then hears a crash from the other side of the door. The door slides open "What? Yeah I'm up. What's going on?" Danny says leaning on the doorway. "I was only wondering if you would like to have something to eat or do." Superboy says to the other boy. Danny nods his head, "Yes, uh yeah I could eat." He says two toned hair moving up and down. "Ok c'mon." Superboy says grabbing Danny's wrist lightly and leading him to the kitchen.

*Danny's POV*

Me and Conner reach the kitchen M'gann is in there and something is burning in the oven. "Megan there is smoke coming from the oven." I point out she goes on alert. "Oh no! Not again," she yells taking the, cookies? Out if the oven. I kinda feel bad for her she looks devastated, "Here how about we make a new batch together? I'll help you out." I tell her taking a few steps forward and placing a hand on her shoulder. Alot of people don't know but I love to cook. Moms cooking was radioactive so me and Jazz had to know how to cook if we didn't want to live on cereal. And honestly Jazz's cooking was no better than moms so I was the designated cook for the children or occasional parent if they were out of the lab. "Really?" She ask smiling slightly I smile brightly back at her "Absolutely! I'd love to." I rummage through the kitchen, pulling out ingredients for a large batch of cookies placing them in the counter.

*Third Person POV*

The team watches as Casper and M'gann zoom around the kitchen talking and baking. "Are you sure that she should be around that guy? He has a pretty

hard punch." Wally ask Superboy ask the clone sits down in his usual spot. The black haired teen looks at the kitchen then nods. The team, minus Megan, continue to watch tv occasionally casting glances at the two people in the kitchen. They finish an episode of Supernatural when they start smelling the most wonderful aroma in the universe. "And done!" The boys and Artemis turn their heads to the kitchen to see Casper holding a steaming pan above his head with a triumphant look and Ms. Martian smiling brightly with her eyes closed, "Yay! I didn't know that you had to use eggs to bake!" She states as Casper places the cookies on the island counter. The boy laughs, "Ya know, my sister said the exact same thing once, but she was trying to make a cake for my birthday." The team looks on from the couch as his face goes from smiling and laughing to sad and depressed in about a second, "If you didn't have green skin you and her could've been twins." He whispers eyes down cast. Megan floats down from her hovering position and hugs Casper. The boy doesn't hug back or cry into her shoulder he just stands in place with glazed eyes. "Here you guys eat the cookies, I got to go." He states pushing away from the alien girl and walking out of the superheroes veiw. "What's up with him? Talk about bipolar," KF says with about 10 cookies in his arms and one in his mouth, M'gann sighs, "He is still sad but he doesn't want to mourn grief keeps building up inside of him. I fear what could happen if it keeps building up. He has immense power and if he lost control the results could be devastating." She says to the team and they all look extremely worried. "That's not good at all I should alert Batman, maybe Black Canary can start sessions with him too?" Robin states sending a message to the Bat from his holo-glove. Aqualad nods, "Yes, hopefully we can get our guest some help, he could benefit from talking to Black Canary." He states and Artemis scowls crossing her arms. "And I still don't see why were helping the creep." She mutters and Superboy scowls back at her marching out of the room to find Casper.

The Insane Ghost (Young Justice x Danny Phantom crossover)Where stories live. Discover now