Sweet Dreams

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-Happy Harbor, Mt. Justice-

April 15th

*Danny's POV*

Artemis is still yelling after like ten minutes giving me some time to collect my thoughts, but its not like I can use it. The fucking girl is just making everything harder, I don't like her. Maybe I should kill her it worked with everyone else. I stand up slowly but she doesn't notice. Grabbing her arm tight enough to bruise I pull her towards me violently, "Shut. Up." I growl out as I feel power coursing through me, both my eyes are now green and I can feel the starting's of a ecto-blast in my hand. Suddenly I feel immense pain and fall to the floor electricity coming from the collar around my neck that I almost forgot was there. You would think that since I 'died' by electrocution I would be at least slightly immune, but sadly that is not the case. It only reminds me of that day when my life got destroyed, increasing the pain and making me get a headache. I see a blurry Sam and Tucker standing over me then pass out.

*Third Person POV*

Casper falls to the floor screaming and pulling at the collar. He lets go of Artemis who immediately pulls the hurt arm to her chest breathing heavily. Kaldur, M'gann, and Robin run over to the green clad girl, ignoring Wally 'cause who cares? "Artemis, are you alright?" Aqualad ask and she nods, "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine but what happened to him?" She ask nodding to the fallen boy and the Atlantian holds up a remote opening his mouth to answer, but before he gets a chance Conner stomps over to him, "What. Did. You. Do." He growls out eyes narrowed and the leader takes a step back. Before Superboy could do anything Robin gets in-between the two boys, "Woah, Woah, c'mon Supes calm down." He says taking the remote from Kaldur, "Look, see this, Batman gave it to us to keep Casper in check. He had like 20 inhibitors on and you think we would just leave him with one? Don't think so. Soooo, why don't we get Casper out of here and to the infirmary to see if he's ok." The small raven says looking up at Superboy who still looks quite angry. Conner turns with a harsh grunt and bends down carefully picking up the white and black haired boy his face softening. He leaves the room with one last glare at the team.

The remaining hero's in the room look at each other concerned when they hear a groan behind them, "Uggh, man, word of advice don't sleep on the floor." Kid Flash mutters to himself sitting up from the floor slowly, suddenly his eyes widen, "Oh my god. Supes and new guy were totally getting at it! Yo Supey!" He yells turning to the bike then notices the team looking at him with no Casper or Conner he sighs looking sad, "I missed something important, didn't I?" He ask and Megan nods, "Ugh, just like school. You're there everyday of the week then suddenly a villain set on world domination decides to attack on a day that the physics teacher is starting a new lesson on interdimensional travel and you had to be there or you fail the entire year!" He yells ending the rant throwing his hands in the air. The team stares at him unimpressed, "Are you done Kid Dork?" Artemis says raising an eyebrow and Wally nods embaresed, "This is astrous heavy on the dis." Robin says and the the rest of the team (who knows what's going on) all nod. They don't know what they had got themselves into.

*Third Person POV (Superboy)*

Conner walks through the hallway heading towards his room, Danny's limp body bridal style in his arms. He's not taking him to the infirmary he doesn't think that the teen would appreciate it much. He understands why Kaldur did what he did but that doesn't mean he has to like it. Artemis was being rude, its not her business what he or Danny did but the boy in question had murderous intent and probably would've killed her so he can't be to mad. Superboy opens the door to his room, he pulls back the sheets on the bed and places Danny on the bed. Tucking him in. The clone sits down beside the unconscious boy then frowns as Danny starts fidgeting and muttering in his sleep making distressed faces. Conner stands then backs up to a chair beside the bed. If Danny's anything like him when he wakes up from a nightmare he will probably try to punch anything in front of him, just a reflex. He sits still putting his chin on his hand like when he watches tv. Conner wishes he could wake Danny from the nightmare but that would probably end worse than him waking up by himself.

*Danny's POV (Dream)*

They're all around me, getting their tools ready. Metal is scraping against metal the zaps of some electric device. I'm strapped to the green and red stained metal table unable to move my head or any other part of me. I've only been here for 5 days and they've managed to make me feel the most pain in my life including the times I've been shot by Skulker or thrown into the ground by Ember or even being hit in the head by a box and honestly that hurts pretty bad, Box Ghost packed a punch. Probably would've got brain damage if I wasn't half ghost. I smile a little thinking of my friends/enemies when I'm slapped across the face. A new agent in all black is standing over me, "Ghost scum, I am Agent Alpha and you will refer to me as such." He pauses looking at the tools beside him an picking up a glowing green scalpel, "Since it seems that you have fully taken over young Daniel Fentons body we have gotten the go ahead to do your first dissection!" He says exited I try to shake my head, "No, no, please, don't." I whisper shakily and he ignores me pushing the blade into my skin. I scream.

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