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-Happy Harbor, Mt. Justice-

April 14th

*Third Person POV (Superboy)*

Superboy looks at the black and white haired boy, Casper, he said the Joker called him. He had heard what Megan said about his fear he was curious. He knows what its like to be in fear. Most don't really know what was going on in project Kr but that's only because he didn't want to tell anyone what he faced in the labs. The experiments to make him 'perfect', exactly like Superman.

He brings his attention back to the scared boy and walks to him slowly. As he reaches him he doesn't dare touch him that would just end badly for him, instead he just talks.

"Can you hear me?" He ask softly not to alert the rest of the team attending to Wally.

"You aren't there, you are in Mt.Justice, Happy Harbor. My name is Conner, the team and I got out of Arkham on Batmans orders." The boy doesn't move but he continues.

"Robin, Ms.Martian, Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Artemis are part of the team I am on. You have only been here less than a day, but you are safe here." Superboy continues to repeats that until the multi-coloured eyes blink and the boys arm slowly goes down. Casper faces him.

"Are you alright?" Superboy ask eyes shining with understanding.

"Yes, yeah, I'm ok now thank you for helping me." He responds looking into Conner's eyes. Superboy sees the boys eyes and recognizes the look. He moves his head in the motion of 'follow me'. Casper looks at him skeptically but follows the clone anyways.

*Danny's POV*

I follows Superboy down the caves hallway until we stop at a door with the insignia on Conner's shirt imprinted on the door. I watch as he opens the door.

"Come," he says, I kinda got no choice so I enter his room.

"Sit," Conner points at a bench at the end of his bed. I sit down and he sits next to me. We sit in silence for period of time until he starts talking.

"You don't have to tell me what happened to you, but I understand, I know." I pause, rage starts filling me. He has no idea what I've been through, he's got no right to say he understands! He doesn't know about anything!

"SHUT THE HELL UP! YOU DONT KNOW ME OR WHAT I'VE BEEN THROUGH!" I yell standing and looking at him rage flowing through my veins. He also stands fury in his cold cobalt eyes.

"And you don't know shit about me either. Sit. Down. Now." He said teeth clenched. I stare him down for a minute then sit, eyes down cast.

*Third Person POV*

Danny does in fact not know anything about Conner so he listens as Superboy starts talking.

"I am Superman's clone, I was created in the lower levels of Cadmus. Kept in a pod. I was only ever let out for them to 'perfect' me." He said the word perfect laced with hate. Danny looked at him.

"Perfect?" He asked SB raised his eyes to Danny's multi-coloured ones.

"I am a clone but I am not like Superman in every way. They did not have enough DNA to recreate him perfectly so they had to combine his DNA with a humans. I was considered imperfect by the scientists that created me." Conner paused and took a breath.

"'We have to fix you.', they would say while... torturing me, to give me more strength, flight, laser vision, etc." He sighs eyes down cast with unshed tears.

"I have known pain since I was created, but that just makes it more intense in my dreams." He was done talking and Danny knew it. He felt like a pretty big jerk right then, he was wrong. Superboy did know what he had gone through. They looked at each other staring at each other in understanding. Danny takes a breath and opens his mouth and right as he is about to spill it all out the alarm starts to blare.

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