chapter 1

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Akito, Estelle, Vincent, and Felicity were in Paris, visiting Eloise as they had promised. Darla and Urchin were on the couch together as Darla looked extremely exhausted as Skipperdee crawled to her feet.

"You okay, Darla?" Urchin asked his wife.

Darla yawned. "Up all night at a photo shoot, they wanted me to be a guest star."

"It's not Pierre again, is it?" Urchin asked angrily, knowing how the French man used to keep her away from their daughter back in the Plaza Hotel days when Eloise was six.

"No, not this time." Darla sighed.

Urchin gave her a back rub to soothe and relax her. "We should have some alone time."

"Oh, but what about the little one?" Darla asked. "Eloise is in the backyard with Weenie and her cousins."

"I'm sure they'll be just fine." Urchin assured her.

"Hmm..." Darla hummed.

In the backyard...

Scruffy, Snow White, Bartok, Dot, and Weenie were looking to their owners.

"Okay, let's see which one of you can jump through the hoop like a circus pet," Eloise said as she took out a hula hoop. "Weenie, show them how it's done and JUMP!"

Weenie backed up, slightly nervous and let out a nervous whine.

"He's a bit nervous." Estelle said.

"Oh, come on, Weenie..." Eloise said to her dog.

Weenie wasn't too sure.

"I'll do it, I can go through a hoop no problem!" Bartok spoke up.

"Okay, Bartok, you try it." Eloise decided.

Bartok spread his wings out and flew through the hoop and laughed at himself. "Tada! I used to be in the circus, ya know."

"Cool." Scruffy, Snow White, and Dot smiled.

"I'm awesome." Bartok laughed at himself.

Weenie pouted. "That's 'cuz you have wings."

"Spoilsport." Bartok folded his arms.

Estelle felt pretty bad for Weenie and where she then heard a song being sung, but she couldn't find the source of it. Weenie sighed as he felt insecure about himself.

Darla came into the backyard. "Eloise?"

"Mother!" Eloise beamed to her mother, so glad that they got to see more of each other these days.

"Could you watch your little sister for a bit?" Darla asked. "Mommy and Daddy are going to spend some alone time together upstairs."

"I'd be happy to." Eloise smiled.

"Thanks, dear, we'll be upstairs if you need us, word of advice, try not to need us." Darla smirked rather lustfully.

"I shall try, Mother." Eloise smiled.

Darla hugged her daughter. "Thank you."

Eloise smiled back to her mother. Darla then went into the room as a shy young platinum blonde haired girl with brown eyes with a black headband walked out, appeared to be wearing a school uniform with a blue jacket, black tie, and plaid skirt.

"Hi, Giselle." the others greeted Eloise's younger sister.

"Hi, guys..." Giselle shyly waved.

"What's up?" Vincent asked.

Estelle and Dot's Adventures in PocketvilleWhere stories live. Discover now