chapter 6

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Meanwhile in the swamp...

The evil Eva was pacing around, waiting for her bird minion to return. And where two puppies were waiting with her. They soon heard Krackia's bird sound.

The evil kitten looked up. "Ah, Krackia has returned with the task at hand."

The two puppies looked up as the black bird appeared with the cocker spaniel/dalmatian mix puppy with bows in her ears.

"Let me go, you stupid feather duster!" Dot glared.

"Oh, I will..." Krackia smirked darkly as she was taking Dot straight to Princess Eva as ordered.

As soon as they arrived to Princess Eva, Krackia let Dot go and let her hit the ground.

"Ow!" Dot grunted and glared up at the bird for dropping her.

"Welcome, my dear..." Princess Eva smiled menacingly as she walked over top of the puppy.

"You!" Dot sneered. "What do you want from me and why did you take me away from Estelle?!"

"To lure her here," Princess Eva smirked before looking over to the two pups. "Now you two idiots, go and lead that new girl here."

"Yes, Princess..." the dogs agreed.

"I'll do it." the bulldog puppy said.

"No, I will!" the rottweiler puppy argued. "Besides, this chicky needs a real dog's help."

"Chicky?" Dot glared, that puppy was obviously trying to hit on her, but she was not at all interested.

"Will you two idiots just go already?!" Princess Eva glared.

Zull and Gort looked to each other and then they left.

"Dogs..." Princess Eva rolled her eyes with a scoff.

"You can't keep me here for long!" Dot sneered.

"Just long enough." Princess Eva smirked.

"Where am I anyway?" Dot asked as she looked around. "It looks like an ogre's swamp."

"Would you mind telling her Eva? I kind of forgot the name of the swamp as well." Krackia smiled nervously.

"Amateurs..." Princess Eva rolled her eyes. "Welcome to the Ever Grey Swamp, the most creepy place in the Pocket Kingdom and my home."

"Wow, it really fits your character." Dot said.

"Hm... Why, thank you." Princess Eva smirked.

"I don't understand why you had to take me away," Dot glared. "I don't even know you, I haven't done anything to you!"

"You'll understand soon." Princess Eva smirked.

Dot glared with a rough growl. "You're so gonna lose, my dad told me that good always triumphs over evil."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." a brown puppy with floppy black ears and hints of spots on her back rolled her eyes. "We all know that speech."

"You seem familiar..." Dot narrowed her eyes to her. "Fluffy... Is that you?" she then wondered if that puppy was her long-lost sister.

"Yep, it's me." Fluffy smirked.

"No way!" Dot's eyes widened. "I haven't seen you or Spot since the basket!"

"I bet you haven't." Fluffy huffed.

"Hey..." Dot came over to her sister. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nuthin'..." Fluffy pouted. "Just that Mom and Dad obviously loved you and Scruffy best because she just went up and gave me and Spot away!"

"We thought you and Spot had been given to happy loving owners." Dot said.

"Oh, no, no, I ran away so I could plot revenge against Mom and Dad for giving us up!" Fluffy glared.

"But... Dad said that the house wasn't big enough for all of us..." Dot pouted.

"Oh, I bet that he told you that." Fluffy growled.

"Daddy wouldn't lie..." Dot replied. "He said that to the Buddies too when they were puppies."

"Well, no matter, I'll soon have my revenge." Fluffy smirked.

"That is crazy!" Dot glared. "Is Spot working with you?'

"I don't wanna talk about him..." Fluffy rolled her eyes with a deadpan mumble.

Cut to Spot...

Spot was meditating and seemed to be in a tranquil area with a bunch of hippies and even had a flower in his ear. "Om.... Om.... Om..." he then opened his eyes with a smirk. "That's right, everybody, I've found salvation and inner peace..." he then went back to meditating. "Om.... Om..."

Cut back to Dot and Fluffy...

"Wow." Dot said.

"Mm-hmm..." Fluffy sounded displeased.

"Now, we just wait for those two numskulls to get here with the new girl." Krackia said.

"No doubt it'll be just as easy..." Princess Eva smirked eagerly.

Estelle and Dot's Adventures in PocketvilleWhere stories live. Discover now