chapter 3

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While Akito and Scruffy did their training, Estelle and Dot were still walking around Pocketville.

"This feels like a dream I once had," Estelle said to Dot. "Like, I've seen this place before, but I'm visiting it again in reality."

They were then encountered by two puppies and two kittens.

"Oh!" Estelle blinked.

"Uh, hello, have we met?" Dot greeted the puppies before sniffing them. "You dont' smell familiar."

"You must come with us at once." A golden retriever puppy told them.

Dot and Estelle glanced to each other, but they then went together to follow the puppies and kittens. And where they were going to a castle.

"Pretty~" Dot's eyes sparkled at the castle.

"Wow, what a magnificent castle." Estelle smiled.

"Ooh, I hope there's a beautiful princess inside!" Dot beamed.

"There is." The golden retriever puppy said.

"Really?" Estelle asked.

"Yes, Princess Ava." one kitten mused.

"That name sounds familiar." Estelle said.

"Right this way," the other kitten smiled. "And please, remember your manners."

"Oh, some of my aunts are princesses, I'll remember." Estelle promised with a smile back.

"It's true." Dot said.

The two puppies and two kittens then stopped as they came into a throne room.

"Ooh, what a pretty throne room." Dot smiled.

"I feel like I've seen this in dreams too." Estelle agreed with her blue eyes sparkling.

"Cool." Dot smiled.

Estelle smiled to Dot as they explored.

They soon arrived at the throne room and where a Siamese kitten was there as if she was waiting for and expecting them. Dot and Estelle looked to the kitten.

"Hello there." the Siamese kitten greeted.

Estelle was a little wary since she had heard stories about her mother's Aunt Sarah having Siamese cats who were mean, but she gave a polite smile to this one. "You must be the Princess of Pocketville."

"Indeed I am, my name is Princess Ava." Princess Ava smiled gently at Estelle.

"Nice to meet you, Princess..." Estelle said and then gave a proper curtsy to the kitten.

Dot then bowed herself, unable to curtsy, but also showed her respect for the princess kitten.

"I've never seen you here before, young puppy," Princess Ava said before looking at Estelle. "And I don't know how you got here, my dear."

"My name's Dot, Estelle's my human," the female puppy introduced. "We just told each other that we love each other and somehow we ended up here."

"That must be the reason why the Friendship Heart glowed." Princess Ava said.

"The Friendship Heart?" Dot and Estelle wondered.

"This jewel hanging on my collar." Princess Ava said as she showed them.

Dot and Estelle came to take a closer look.

"This is the Friendship Heart," Princess Ava explained to them. "It's a jewel that can send others to and from here, I also made an oath on the jewel's power."

Estelle and Dot's Adventures in PocketvilleWhere stories live. Discover now