chapter 8

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Giant Princess Ava removed her paw and saw that Estelle had survived the stomp. "No, it cannot be!"

"Cool! I have my own Ponied-up form." Estelle smiled.

"What now?" Magic raised a brow.

"Go, Estelle, save the Pocket Kingdom!" Dot cheered for her owner.

"We leave this to Estelle." Princess Ava smiled.

"Are you sure, Your Majesty?" Danny asked.

"Yes," Princess Ava nodded. "She seems to know just what she's doing."

Estelle flew up to the air. Giant Princess Eva snarled and held out her paw to swipe the girl with her claws of fury. Estelle glared and missed every strike as her cutie mark seemed to glow, despite having a talent in ballet dancing.

"Ooh." Dot smiled, liking how her owner's cutie mark was glowing.

"I see your owner likes to dance." Magic smiled to that himself.

"Oh, yes, Estelle's loved ballet ever since she first saw Swan Lake on video." Dot smiled back.

"Nice." Magic smiled.

Dot smiled bashfully to his smile.

Giant Princess Eva began to try to crush Estelle, but due to her size; the giant Siamese kitten couldn't grab her due to Estelle's speed.

"Where are you?!" Giant Princess Eva snarled as she looked for Estelle.

"Oh, I sure hope this still works..." Estelle said to herself before trying a Brain Blast on the evil giant Siamese kitten.

And where it did still work as it felt like a bee sting to the giant Siamese kitten. "OWW!!!!"

"Gotcha," Estelle smirked in victory. "Thanks, Lexi."

"You'll pay for that." Giant Princess Eva glared as he magic started to wear off as she started to shrink back to normal size.

"Looks like your reign of terror is up." Estelle smirked to that.

"Uh-Oh..." Princess Eva said.

"I'm usually a pacifist, but I'm sorry, you've left me no choice." Estelle nodded firmly.

Princess Eva smiled nervously to Estelle. "Surely we can talk this over..."

"I think I'll leave this one to Princess Ava." Estelle said.

"Thank you, Estelle." Princess Ava nodded to the girl.

Estelle nodded back and she returned to normal size and smiled at herself. "Man, who knew I had my own form to pony-up with?" she smiled brightly as she held herself in gratitude. "I feel just like the others at the dance with Crystal Prep Academy and Canterlot High."

"I'm sure your Aunt Twilight would be proud." Princess Ava smiled to her, then went to take on Princess Eva once and for all.

"Okay, who else knows about Equestria?" Dot asked.

"I'm not surprised that Ava does, she seems to know about everything magical," Estelle sat down with her puppy and hugged her. "Oh, I'm so glad you're safe."

"Sure, care about Dot and forget all about me!" Fluffy sneered in total jealousy.

Fluffy tackled Dot again, but this time; it didn't hurt her sister as much this time.

"Fluffy, stop it!" Estelle demanded.

"No!" Fluffy snarled as she tried to hurt her sister. "Dot must pay for taking you and Akito away from me and Spot with Scruffy!"

"Fluffy, I know you're hurt that you can't stay with us, the house just isn't big enough for four puppies," Estelle said firmly. "It's not that we hate you, it's just that it's too crowded for everyone to stay. We could've worked something out!"

"Dang it, why do I feel like I'm a normal puppy?!" Fluffy growled.

Estelle then took Fluffy off. "Get off your sister! I'm very disappointed in you and I'm sure your parents would be too if they saw you acting out like this, you're acting just like your Aunt Annette used to!"

"Aunt Annette?" Fluffy asked.

"Yes," Estelle nodded firmly to her. 'She used to be evil because of the attention your Aunt Angel and Uncle Scamp got, so she teamed up with Scooby Doo's nephew to get revenge against Aunt Cherry, Dad, and everyone else until she reformed."

"Wow." Fluffy said.

"Fluffy, I know you miss us, but we could've worked something out, you and Spot could've visited us, but you're being a bad girl, and I don't think we'd like you around." Estelle firmly said.

Fluffy felt hurt inside slightly.

"Do what you want, but I highly suggest you adopt a new attitude." Estelle set the puppy down back on the ground.

"I agree." Dot nodded firmly.

Fluffy looked to them and looked down slightly in shameful guilt. Princess Eva and Princess Ava were fighting each other, even more strongly than sisterly rivalry.

"Okay, that's a bit harsher than I thought that she would have done to her sister." Dot said.

"Talk about intense." Estelle had to agree.

"Eva, I don't wanna have to hurt you!" Princess Ava said to her twin sister. "I just wanna help you! I don't understand why you have to be so evil!"

"Yeah, I don't think any of us have understood that either." Kate said.

"See what greed gets you to?" Estelle said to Fluffy. "That could be you and Dot someday. Do you really want that?"

"I guess not..." Fluffy's stomach turned slightly.

Princess Eva and her followers were soon put in the dungeon.

"I hated that I had to fight my sister, but she had left me no choice..." Princess Ava sounded slightly disappointed.

"We know how you feel, Princess." Dot frowned.

"Thank you so much for your help." Princess Ava sounded thankful to Estelle and Dot.

"No problem." Estelle said before curtsying.

Dot also bowed to show her loyalty.

"We should get home now." Dot said.

"Yeah, umm..." Estelle looked lost for a moment, then looked to Kate and Magic. "Uh, how do we get back home?"

"How did you get here before?" Kate asked.

"We said all that stuff about puppy love," Estelle shrugged. "We were at my cousin's place and then suddenly, we came here."

"Oh, I thought you two were angels from up above." Magic said, though mostly to Dot.This caused Dot to giggle at his somewhat compliment.

Magic smiled as Dot giggled. Princess Ava then told Estelle and Dot how to get back home and hoped that they would return sometime very soon.

"We will visit from time to time, Princess." Estelle smiled.

"It's a date." Dot also nodded.

"Take care," Kate smiled to her new human friend. "We'll keep in touch."

"Agreed." Magic nodded back.

"Ready to go home, Dot?" Estelle asked.

Dot didn't want to leave Fluffy and Magic, but she decided she had enough adventure for one day. "Yes, let's go home, Estelle."

Estelle and Dot soon repeated of what they said at their cousin's house and where it worked as they glowed and were teleported back to where they were.

Kate held Magic close as he was really going to miss Dot. "Don't worry, you'll see her again sometime."

"I hope so..." Magic nodded.

Estelle and Dot's Adventures in PocketvilleWhere stories live. Discover now