chapter 2

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Estelle and Dot continued to look around for someplace to eat until they got to a building where they smell a scent of food being cooked.

"Ooh, I smell something wonderful!" Dot dangled her tongue out of her mouth, already drooling.

"Ease up the drool, Dotty." Estelle teased with a laugh.

"Sorry." Dot smiled sheepishly before they entered into the building to get something to eat.

Estelle giggled as she went in with her puppy. "This looks as majestic as Aunt Twilight's castle."

"Yeah, only it's a restaurant." Dot smiled.

They soon were encountered by a bear cub with a chef's hat.

"Hello!" the bear greeted.

Estelle and Dot's eyes widened. A bear cub was a chef?

"Um, hello, sir, are you open? We saw the door was unlocked, so we let ourselves in." Estelle said before her stomach started to growl again.

"Well, we're not open for another half hour, but you two seem too hungry to wait." the bear cub chef replied.

"You have no idea." Dot replied.

"Please have a seat; the food will be ready in just a minute." The bear smiled.

"I hope he really means a minute when he says a minute..." Estelle held her stomach as she went to sit down with Dot.

"I hope so too." Dot said.

And where after a few seconds, the food was ready within a minute and brought out to them. Dot and Estelle smiled thankfully and instantly began to eat the food given to them.

"You're welcome." the bear cub chef smiled.

After eating for a while, both of their stomachs were full.

"Oh, that was a good meal." Dot smiled.

"Makes me think of Thanksgiving..." Estelle leaned back slightly as she held her now full tummy.

"I am so happy you both enjoyed your meals." The bear cub chef said.

"Oh, yes, thank you very much..." Estelle smiled. "Oh, you remind me so much of my little Teddy."

"Teddy?" the bear cub chef asked.

"Yes, back when he was just a little Teddiursa before he evolved." Estelle smiled fondly.

"Before he evolved? You mean he grew up?" The bear cub chef asked.

"Uh, yeah, pretty much," Estelle nodded. "He was such an adorable little cub, he was like a living teddy bear. That's why I named him Teddy."

"I don't quite understand," The bear cub chef said. "It sounds like your bear cub was a Pokemon."

"That's what a Teddiursa is." Estelle replied.

"Ohh, sorry, I haven't done my studies on Pokemon, I only focus on cooking." The bear cub chef said.

"It's okay, but you just remind me so much of him when he was a little Teddiursa." Estelle cooed.

"Oh, thank you," The bear cub chef smiled. "It's surprising to see another human in Pocketville."

"Another human?" Estelle wondered.

"Yes, we have one visitor who is a human girl named Kate, have you heard of her?" the bear cub chef asked.

"No, I'm sorry, I haven't." Estelle shook her head.

Estelle and Dot's Adventures in PocketvilleWhere stories live. Discover now