Chapter 15-

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I ignore my mom and run outside and just sit under a tree. I might as well just pray alone...
I bury my head in my hands and hum quietly as I reflect on this new life.
I peer up.
"Oh..Hi, Aly.."
"Needed an escape too I guess, huh?..Mind if I join you?"
I shake my head.
Neither of us peep a word for a few minutes. It is ACTUALLY silent.
"Oh so now I'm quiet! Everything's nuts, Aly Roth! Friggin NUTS today!" I yell in frustration.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I don't know it' ever feel like you keep wanting to pinch yourself to wake up and it just won't darn happen because this ain't some messed up dream, it's your life!...what am I even saying..."
I feel a tear drop down my face.
"I get it." Aly says softly as she wipes away my tear.
"I just wanted some sense of normalcy. Just SOMETHING to be the same! Of course I'm completely FINE now, but back in there I couldn't even sit with my family for the holiest days of the year because I have a friggin tic attack!"
Aly puts her arm around me.
"I understand.." Aly mumbles.
"But do you really, Aly?! I feel like NOBODY knows what it's like to have Tourette Syndrome!" I moan in frustration.
"Well maybe I do!"
We continue to sit in silence.
"Maybe I can understand how you feel..."
I sit and stare at the paved ground.
"And for years people thought I was faking! Why the FRICK would I fake THIS!"
Aly's eyes fill with tears as her eyes lock mine.
"And to think those guys are out messing with MY sport right now! They definitely purposely made try outs today!"
I just stare at the ground as I fidget with my bow tie.
"So what's your deal?" I ask.
"What brought you here?"
Aly shrugs.
"You know how families can get during the holidays."
"Mhmm..But you know, I think everyone has problems and their own sob story if they want it to be told. Some are just less obvious and beyond the mere surface." I mumble.
Aly nods slowly.
"I agree."
All of a sudden I feel Aly's hand in mine and we just sit in each other's company.
I look around and can't get over how nobody is around. This area is so desolate...
"This reminds me of when the kids were scared to play with me in elementary school.."
"Well, I'm not afraid to play with you." Aly giggles.
I smile.
"DUDE! The service is almost over! It's time for our Aliyah!"
Leave it to Chad to ruin a moment!
I stick my tongue at him.
"I can't go back in there." I tell him bluntly point blank.
"Don't be a coward."
I scowl at him.
"I'll come with you." Aly tells me.
I nod and we walk back inside.
"And by the way, I was right! You do know her!"
"Shut up!" I laugh.

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