Chapter 22-

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"Will you knock it off! I'm still mad at you..." I groan.
"Then why are you taking me to the ice cream parlor right now?!" Zoey shoots that look.
Because I don't want Zoey and I to be in the house with what's going on..
I dragged our butts out as soon as I heard mom is heading to Philadelphia because of an issue with Dad and finances.
"Asher, do you still play basketball? Actually do you have friends at school...or..or are you like that weird kid named Josh from my class who just sits by himself all day?"
"Knock it off! And enough questions. I've got my old friends and that's enough for me."
"How much longer?"
"Zoey, why are you acting like a toddler?" I huff.
"Why have you been so grumpy lately."
"It's called a slump." I try to explain.
"Well I don't like it....and I'm sorry I tattled. You're my brother and you worry me sometimes."
I smile.
"I know...I can't be mad at you."
"Yo look who it is!!!"
I turn around.
"What do you want, Todd!" Zoey snaps.
"I haven't seen you in a while, man!" He talks to me in a sing song voice.
"Gee I wonder why. Let's see you started up with my best friend..humiliated me...accused me of lying.."
"No, no...I was just kidding. I wanted to apologize." Todd explains.
"For everything? What made you even decide that?" I ask.
" doesn't matter. Just accept my apology, alright?"
That sounded more like a demand than a question.
Grunt grunt
"Good. Bye."
We walk away from the wacko and head to the ice cream store.
"He's such a mean person." Zoey tells me.
"Well that goes without saying."
My eyes roll.
See? Even Fred understands.
"Hey, Zoey!!"
What a fricking small town, we see little turd's sister as soon as we walk into the ice cream shoppe.
"Jamie! We just saw your brother on the way here!"
"I know."
Jamie winks.
"Oh. Right!" Zoey gasps as she remembers something.
"Is there something I don't know that you guys do?"
Grunt grunt blink
"No..." Zoey giggles as she stretches out the No.
"We're not telling just yet!" Jamie sticks out her tongue as she pulls her short brown hair into a ponytail.
"Come on, Zoey. Let's go order." Jamie says as she drags Zoey to the counter.
My goodness..
I stand next to them online and pretend not to know them.

"Asher." Jamie says as we sit down.
"We need to discuss the elephant in the room."
I scrunch my eye brows.
"Excuse me?"
Cough cough cough
"The reason you saw my brother and he apologized. I can't keep a secret like that from a guy as handsome as you.."
"Jamie, now WE have something to discuss after!" Zoey exclaims, slamming down on the glass table.
"Um why?" I ask drawing out the why sarcastically
Can you tell I'm getting fed up with this? Cuz I am. I'm legit sitting typical boy style with the slouch and my legs sticking out barely bent so they're practically infringing on everyone else's ability to stretch out greater than 15 degrees.
"Ash. I set Todd up to apologize to you. I don't want you to have to suffer any more from him, so I want him to be our escort on Halloween."
"Jamie! I want Asher there! Besides, our mom is making him go!"
"Nope. Mom's not here right now. Can't do squat about it."
"Asher, don't you want to be there for my birthday?"
"For your birthday. Not for trick or treating. I-I I have other plans.."
"Ok..." Zoey sighs.
"Then let's let Todd do all the work watching us naughty children."
"Yeee!" I laugh.
"Yeah! I like Asher better than my brother anyways!"
"Yeah!" Zoey cheers.

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