U.T.A.H CH. 11

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* Millia pov *

Waking up I realise that I had to go shopping with Jazmine. Deciding I'm going to take bullet today, I told Ashleigh, bullet in my motorcycle. Dressing in blue skinny jeans and a black and blue dress shirt , I grab my bikers jacket . The jacket is made like no other, instead of the protection padding it is a bullet proof vest, it has built in weapon holder. It can carry a .45 and two clips on the back, insidethe sleeves has a knife holder . Putting my boots with two more knives I'm ready to go. Heading to the garage we jump on our bikes, putting on my helmet I feel invincible. My helmet is made out of bullet proof glass.Ashleigh is decked out with her gear to, its the same as mine just a different design. Making it to school in record time, getting off our bikes we are greeted by Justin and Jazmine. After school Ashleigh and I said our goodbyes, following Jazmine to the mall we begin our shopping. " So how do you like it here so far?" " It's great actually Im glad it stays sunny, and the people I've met so far are nice." Walking into another store I can see we are being followed by her guards." Omg I think we are being followed, by these men don't look back." Knowing her ass is going to look back I hear. " Oh no we are good those are my guards." " Why do you have guards, are in danger?,is everything ok?." " yeah everything is fine , my dad is a powerful man and they are here just incase." " ok so by me hanging out with you im not in any danger am I?" " of course not silly " "oh ok" I say with a laugh " so what do your parents do?" She did nothing but fill me in on lies. Saying our goodbye I headed home. Putting my stuff away I began hiding the basement door with a book case nailed to the door, books are hiding the door knob. Taking the hidden guns and knives, I placed them in our rooms, drunk people's be finding shit. Placing bowls of condoms in the three bedrooms down stairs. Putting bolt lockes where our bedroom door knobs use to be I glue one of the keys in the lock on the inside of the room. Finishing all the things for the party I start on my homework, because I'll have a hangover sunday. Ashleigh comes in from her date we exchanged details , I show her all the things I changed and she said I was brilliant, I know I am so there is no surprise there. We spent the rest of the night to relaxing and watching movies starting with our favorite doubletake, we laugh our asses off at that movie. Waking up in the morning with sore jaws from laughing all night we throw on some clothes and head to the liquor store, after we head to the grocery store picking up the snacks and mixers for the drinks some redbull. Getting some bins for the ice, paper cups and plates we head home to get ready. After getting dress and hiding my weapons on me I look in the mirror, and what I saw I feel in love with I wanted to get married and everything. Never thought I like girls but damn I turned myself on, call me conceited or whatever because I am if you don't feel great about yourself why would others, because when you think your are the shit other people do to, faking confidence will build it.

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