U.T.A.H CH. 27

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* Milli pov *

Landing in Costa Rica it was blazing hot, catching my bag that Angelo so kindly through at me.. not to me Fucking ass I'm glad he doesn't talk. Getting into the black Sedanthe driver shuts the doors, starting to gear up I put my vest on with my belt that holds my gun, clips, throwing stars, and knife. Putting my gun strap around my right ankle putting a knife on my left. Putting my students on ( shades aka hater blockers) I wait until we arrive. About two streets away from the familiar area I was staying at not to long ago, I notice black smoke dying down. Pulling onto the street I grab the FBI jacket Angelo hands me with our credentials. Seeing firefighters, cops and ambulance and plenty of nosy ass people around. Stepping out of the car I walk with a purpose , walking up to the caution tape I flash my credentials. " what is your purpose here?" " One of my key witnesses lived here, he was under witness protection. I need to see if there are any evidence to who could have done this, and if there was anyone who witness what happen." " Ok , ms. Tunnerson follow me" Walking behind him I met the chief of police don't ask what his name was, because I have no clue. Searching through the rubbish I had to fight the smile from coming onto my face, all evidence was destroyed you couldn't tell how many bedrooms there use to be, if there was a baby nothing. The only things you could make out were the stove, fridge, water heater, washer and dryer, hell even the bathroom was destroyed. My bestie blew this shit up, that's what hanging with Micah could do to you. Walking around talking to the neighbors I was astonished they knew nothing all they knew was what kind of car was driven. Heading back to the car I filled Angelo while I begun to type my report on my laptop. Taking off all my gear I placed it in my bag getting on the jet I slept all the way back to the base. Telling my mom what happen was not a pretty thing she was furious by the time I finished. When I made it to my room I was grinning like a mad women, after showering I headed to Much and That's room. " Hey guys do y'all want to go get pizza and catch a movie?" " Hell ya, then we can catch up" waiting for the boys to get ready Micah was the first to come to my room, I swear Troy should have been born a girl. After waiting another twenty minutes we were off to go eat. We went to an all you can eat pizza place we just laughed and caught up I felt a little guilty I have been distracted lately and flaking out on them. Arriving at the movie theatre we couldn't decide after a long debate we ended up watching two movies. Driving back Troy comes up with the brilliant idea. Stopping by a liquor store I spent two hundred and fifty dollars loading the alcohol in the trunk. Heading to the grocery store we picked up chasers, chips and dip and some hot wings and pizzas to cook at home. Loading the groceries we headed back to base. Going into my mother's office I got on the intercom. " attention to all there will be a party in the gymnasium in one hour, if you don't have a mission tomorrow it is mandatory you have one hour." Taking all the stuff to the gym I placed it on the floor going to the storage room I started setting up tables, after all the tables had the liquor mixed sodas, chips dips pizzas wings cups plates napkin. Troy set up the music and dimmed the lights we were ready. People started to show, after about fifteen minutes the party was in full swing. There was dancing laughing talking eating everyone let loose, about two in the morning people started to leave I'm pretty sure some went in the wrong rooms, laughing at the ones who didn't make it to the hallway I staggered to my room it was fun to let loose and forget my problems.

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