U.T.A.H CH. 15

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* Ashleigh pov *

Sitting at the table after Milli and Jazmine had left wasn't anything less than awkward. Counting down the minutes until the bomb in the front guard hut went off. It was a nervous feeling in my stomach. Giving Justin the nod he stood up and stab the first guard he passed and slicing the second guards neck. Giving the remainder of the two guards a shot in both there heads, I turned and did the same for Matthew.

* FLASHBACK to Ash& Justin's date *

Going on this mission really sucked I never expected to fall in love with my target. " Ash I love you" " I love you to Justin" out of nowhere he starts saying things I thought he knew nothing about. " baby I love you so hear me out before you react.. ok" " ok" I say with a smile. " I know your an assassin here to kill my family, because I hired you. Joining my father's business has never been part of the plan, I've always been disgusted by it. My father is evil and Jasmine is a bitch that wants to run the business, Jazmine put out a hit on my father and I so she can take over. So following her lead I did the same, I fell in love with you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. In order to earn your trust I want to help and disappear with you so we can live together peacefully." Wow at the start I was reaching for my blade, but the truth behind those grey eyes stopped me. " ok so we need a plan I can't just leave the agency would come after me."


After our I love yous and kisses Justin took off, I'll never see him again, but he doesn't know that art least I know where he's going. Flipping over the I wait for Milli and the guards, hearing the explosion outside then inside. Milli comes running in and gets in position, the guards come running in. We're picking them off like lint head shots body shot, while reloading my gun I throw the knife that was once strapped to the table. It goes through a guy's head blood is everywhere from the lives lost in this war. Grabbing the second gun from the table we begin our sweep of the mansion. Nobody is left alive except Justin, Milli and myself running out the door we jump on our bikes and disappear.

* Milli pov *

Slicing the little sluts neck was the best the bitch had it coming. Grabbing the gun from under the sink, I head to the room with the grenade in it. Opening the door there are about ten guys in there, throwing the grenade and closing the door I run and get in position. Counting the dead bodies I notice Justin's isn't among them. Taking out my second gun I resist the urge to shoot my bestie and question her. Aiming my guns I let go killing anything that moves, I see Ashleigh throw a knife and it goes through this dudes head it was fucking epic, man you can't get that shit in any type of action movie. After doing a quick count some guards are missing doing a sweep of the mansion, I sweep the back yard area seeing three dead bodies, I'm guessing the little fucker helped us out. Heading to the front door Ash and I hop on our bikes and get the fuck out of dodge. Heading to our house is taking forever, finally getting there I run inside do a quick sweep. " Ashleigh WHAT THE FUCK! Is going on where is Justin, how could you let him get away?" Ashleigh looks torn I can see that but still could she give a bitch a heads up, how long were they planning this. " I have no clue I was taking out the guards and Matthew, he killed two guards and ran, I wasn't going to leave you out numbered to chase him." She is Fucking lying my best friend ten years and she is lying to me. " you better compose your face better than that when we talk to ms. V about this you need to call it in to. After ten years I can't believe you would lie to me you know, no matter what I got your back you must lied to my face I honestly am hurt by you." Heading up stairs I jump in the shower, my best friend lied to me it really hurts. Getting dress I head to the basement and pack all the weapons, clear the computers of all data, I throw everything in the lambo. " I'm driving back to base I trust you can handle the rest by yourself." I could've thrown in some cheap shots, but I won't its not worth the time. Driving back was just what I needed it took two days, my head is cleared. Ashleigh's birthday is coming up I got her a custom made necklace and anklet jewellery set, I smiled when I ordered it. Engraving the back was a message and the date we first met( no homo).

U.T.A.H  Underground Training Assassin HighHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin