U.T.A.H CH.13

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* Milli pov*

A week has passed since our party,I have vowed to never drink like that again. Having a threesome goes against my rules for having sex, I've never slept with more then one guy in the same month. That's not saying I sleep with twelve guys a year because I don't. Guessing it was great because I can't remember shit, I'm going off the soreness of the morning after, it great being on birth control for times like this. Going to school has been a drag I just want to get this fucking mission over with. The longer you stay on a mission you risk getting attached to people. Ashleigh has been going on dates with Justin, he seems serious about her but she gets goo goo afterwards. " Ash you should ask to meet his parents" " I will after our date tonight" " good because this is getting boring and I can't stand Jazmine much longer" " ha at least you don't have to sleep with him, he my be cute but the boy can't work it" " ha that funny"

* Ashleigh pov *

Going out with Justin is great I hate lying to my bestie, but this feels so good be normal, but I can't get attached. " hey baby when can I meet your dad" " umm well he wants to meet you he comes from back from his trip two days after the party" " ok do you think it can be like a family dinner, I don't want to keep ditching my sister" " for you babe anything" after our dinner we walk back to his car to make out. The boy got skills with that mouth. Truth be told I don't want to give up, at least I'll be his last.

* Milli pov *

" So after the party this will be over with, I'm freaking excited, great job Ash" This is great. " yeah two days after so we are going to crash there after the party that way when everyone is passed out we can get everything in place."


" That is the dress, it looks great on you" " Yeah does I'll get it, what are you going to wear." " oh I went shopping for that weeks ago." Buying the dress we headed to the food court. " what should I wear to the dinner with your family" she looks at me shocked " my brother is having your sister meet my dad" " yeah is there something wrong with that?" " We're going to be sisters, he has never and I mean never brought a girl to meet my father" oh shit I was grinning like and idiot she may think it's because we will be sisters, ha that's my bestie she worked her shit I got to get her something. " We're going to be sisters" I get up hugging her jumping up and down. " I still need something to wear for dinner"


Packing my over night bag for the party I have , ten guns four grenades( thanks Micah) twenty clips for the guns, and my clothes tooth brush and other essentials. Getting ready for the party Ashleigh and I head out together.

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