U.T.A.H CH. 30

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* Ashleigh pov *

Kim just left with my daughter my world, I gave her four million dollars to take care of Ameila. Hoping I will live past today I have no plan, I glad Milli came to warn . It shows we still have each others back even though I haven't contacted her in almost half a year. Coming out of my thoughts I hear " I'm so sorry Ashleigh." " for what my daughter will not be raised in this life style." She hesitates " not that" what the fuck? I hear the front door open and close, awe shit Justin. I look up and see Milli raise her gun and shot him. He falls at a awkward angle, blood pouring from his kill shot. I scream with everything in me. My daughter is gone I may never see her again my husband the father of my child the second most loved person in my life taken from me by my best friend. I look up at her through my tears she has on a blank expression on her face. Standing up I give her a murdering glared " WHY THE FUCK DID YOU KILL HIM!!" In the calmest tone I have every heard " It was you or him or both. I choose him." Her little statement set me off I hear nothing I feel nothing standing in front of me is a stranger. With everything I have a swing at her she ducks, kicking my leg out she blocks throwing punch after punch kick after kick it's like fighting a mirrored image of me. Only getting a limited amount of hits on one another is frustrating , pulling out my knife I kick when she blocks with her hands I slice her right above her elbow. Since the first slice I only got her two more times, after swinging at her she hit a nerve in my right arm making me drop my knife. She kicks me in my thigh numbing it for a few seconds. Kicking her leg while she is kicking me I hear a snap . Rolling around on the floor bloody and all agents kick in my door. At the top of my lungs I yell at Milli " IT TAKES YOU A FUCKING YEAR TO SAVE ME YOU BEST FRIEND YOU SISTER YOU GAVE UP ON ME" I end in tears yes I'm mad at her but I will not be killed for going rogue, I'm far from stupid. " I'm sorry I did everything I could to find you, I tried." Milli finish in tears. No we aren't pussy, yes we miss each other we are in tears from the pain I can honestly say we best the shit out of each other. Limping over to her I hug her in her ear I whisper " this isn't over." She just nodded. Helping each other out the house I get in Milli's car. Waiting for my limbs to get feelings in them again so I can drive we talk. " I'm truly sorry for killing him, but if they got him alive you know you would be dead along with you daughter being raised as a assassin." " Yeah I know, but you could of at least let me kiss him goodbye" we are silent for a few " I'm sorry for cutting you, but the first rule in fighting is there are no rules." " yeah I know." " after we heal you know you got to catch my fade?" " it's nothing" with that I start the three hour drive back to the base.


I FELT GREAT WITH THE 324 reads and I got wifi so I uploaded says thank you)


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