2: Ho Hey- The Lumineers

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Heading to the office I walk straight past the music rooms on my right. Without disturbing the player I peek my head to look through the small window on the door.

Male. Sixteen/Seventeen. Good vocals. I can't see the front of his face but from the back, I don't feel any recognition. He's definitely new... one thing about living virtually unnoticed is that you notice everything, including all the students.

Before the mystery musician turns around, I needed to get to the office, to at least show my face so Mrs Rinne doesn't think I ran off or 'left the building.'

God I've dreamt of that though. But my mum would kill me.

With one last glance of his back and structure, I try to memorise his features so if I see him in the hallway, I could.... umm introduce myself and complement him on what an amazing singer he is, is what I wish I'd do. More likely I'd just gawk.

The hallways of Willowdale are quiet and peaceful. Usually all I hear is the sound of the hallway when kids are running and screaming in them, but not quiet, never quiet.

The constant buzz of the air conditioner and the echo of my shoes following me along the corridor are the only things I hear. It's starting to get creepy, so I pull out my IPhone and listen to music from the 60's the best decade if you ask me.

"Hello dear, how can I help?" Mrs Grimaldi asks.

"I forgot my book," I simply say with a small smirk

"Well just sit down on one of those chairs," she points to a corner full of old plastic chairs, "and you can do other work so long as it doesn't include bothering me."

I follow her finger and sit in an uncomfortable position along the chair and open up a book. Pfft, like I'm actually going to do work. I just scrolled through my playlist till class finished an hour later.

The bell was about to ring and the rotation would move along. Heading out early to avoid the stampede of students, I made my way back to Mrs Rinne's room.

Sticking to the left side of hallway, I held out my phone to change the song just as a few students began entering the hallway.


A door hits me straight in the forehead "Ugh," I groan.

"Oh my God, I didn't see you. Are you okay?" I hear someone ask

"Ah," I exhale quickly and breathe in through my clenched teeth. "I'll be fine," my voice croaks as I stand up, seeing it was the music room door I just walked into I figured this way the mystery man.

"So sorry," He begins to apologise when Christine spots me and yells for me across the hallway. I look over to Christine then back at him.

"Don't be sorry, I didn't look where I was walking." By the way he started to fidget I could tell he needed to go somewhere. "I'll see you around," I say walking away from him towards my class.

"See you," he says before walking in the opposite direction.

I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweetheart - The Lumineers

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