3: Demons- Imagine Dragons

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 The day continued as normal, I didn't see Christine at lunch or between classes, considering we only had English together

However during the last period of the day History, there was a knock about 5 minutes after class had started, Mr Ellis was shocked to find a student had arrived so late. I heard muffles of Mr Ellis talking to whoever was behind the door as they were out of my eye line, he opened the door wider and the same boy who was in the music rooms appeared.

"Class, this is Michael, he is a new student so please be kind." The whole class seemed unfazed by this as Michael scans the room for an empty space, his eye landing on the one next to me.

As Sir continued his lesson, the class continued talking about the famous Christopher's party.

"Sorry I hit you with the door. I hope you're okay," he says quietly

"It's all good, don't worry about it," I say quietly back.

"Michael." He says holding out his hand.

"Lauren." I give him mine.

We awkwardly sit next to each other the whole class, we don't talk and I put my ear buds back in to drown out the awkwardness.

After class as I'm heading home my back pocket vibrates and I check a text.

TXT MESSAGE: Christine

r u coming to chris's party next week? u have to go. It will be sooo much fun!!

A party doesn't sound too bad right now, I do need to socialise more according to my mother. And as much as I try not to admit it I kind of do like Chris but at least I have all week to decide what I do.

Don't get too close
It's dark inside
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide -Imagine Dragons

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