9: Express Yourself- Labrinth

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I hang my guitar on it's rack and place one hand on the door knob with the other in my back pocket, securing my picks position.


The door hit someone in, I almost felt everything move in slow. Her thin, wavy hair flowed down from her face as she fell to the ground, I tried to catch her.

She looks up at me and I'm speechless. "Ugh," she groans.

"Oh my God. I didn't see you," I panic. The halls getting crowded. "Are you okay?"

She exhales "I'll be fine," she stands.

"So sorry," I begins to apologise but her friend called her over.

"Don't be sorry, I didn't look where I was walking," I felt so guilty I couldn't stand still, I needed to run and get an ice-pack or something. "I'll see you around, "she says.

Oh shit, did I just make this awkward? "See you," I say and walk in the opposite direction as she does.

Before lunch was PDHPE with some Russian female as a teacher, then after was Science with a man whose name ended in an 'opolous'.

Lunch was spend outside in the sun reading the rest of the book I didn't finish this morning. Last period was History, I must have read the timetable wrong because I walked into some random class filled with kids that looked younger than my sisters.

I read it again, correctly this time and knock on the door to see Mr Ellis. I walk into the class looking for a seat and see her, the girl I hit with a door. So I sit right next to her, of course.

I say the same thing twice I'm awkward when I speak
Ain't got the perfect smile don't turn heads on my street  -Labrinth

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2017 ⏰

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