Michael: Titanium- David Guetta

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My sister Adelaide was only one year old when my mother died ONE.

All four of us were upstairs, completely oblivious. Dad was at work.

Saturday September 17th 2005. I'm aged 7.

Mum's downstairs, watching TV. The shadow of a man creeping up towards her. I think the worse part was that it was unexpected, no one saw it coming.

One second we're all there and the next... we're gone.

It was a busy day, Saturday. All the neighbours used this day as a chance to catch up, mow the grass, rake the leaves or clean the house. No one expected a tragedy, not this day, not so expectantly.

It was about eight o'clock at night and at first I smelt smoke. All my siblings either can't remember that day, or can barely make out a blur. But not me.

God... I wish I could forget though.

Maggie is yelling. Grabbing Adelaide from her crib and holding her, covering her face. Yelling at me to get Nora from her crib

I'm only a few steps behind Maggie. Being six, I try me hardest to follow instructions.

The heat surrounds us, swarms us.

I remember getting taught to get out, get away from the flames and find an exit. Dad taught us that.

But I could here mum screaming, I couldn't not look at her, I had to find her.

God... I wish I hadn't though.

Her whole face was burnt red. I could barely see her through to fire but I could see it was bad on her, worse than it should be.

It wasn't until later that we found out what happened.

I see mum, I try and get her too, be a hero. But I couldn't, our kitchen table is the only object between Nora and I, and our mother.

Her hands covering her face, I couldn't see her eyes, they looked like they were stuck shut. Seeing her rock back and forth.

"Mum," I scream over the crackling noise of the fire, "Mum!"

I try to reach out and grab her, get her to pay attention but Nora is in my arms, and I can't reach mum.

"Michael, now," Maggie screams from the front door and puts Adelaide outside then runs back. "Hurry Michael, hurry up."

I couldn't leave mum, not just sitting there... useless.

The next thing I know, Maggie is taking Nora from my arms and grabbing firmly onto me, dragging me out of the smoke.

The fumes fill the air and as we step outside I immediately feel winded, holding onto my stomach and bending over coughing, the smoke filling my lungs.

I look back at the house. The first floor completely destroyed and black smoke coming out from the second.

The suspect whom caused the fire, spread petrol all around the house before he lie it, that's why my mum was so badly affected. The one man who ruined my whole life, the life I'll never get back.

Alexander Batts

Fire away, fire away
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium -David Guetta

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