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So the winner was

Ben drowned/scary

So that's the one that I'm making
(I tried to make it pretty scary,
Can y'all rate 1-10?
1 being not even scary
10 being great, perfect amount of scary.
Also tell me what I could improve on
Thanks! Enjoy!!)


Staring. That's all he ever did. Just stare. I didn't ever do anything about it cause I didn't believe in stuff like that. I eventually stopped using my TV altogether. He was always there. No matter what I did. Soon I felt like being stared at wasn't all that was happening. Things started going wrong. I found cables broken, leaving wires exposed and cracks in my TV screens like something or someone crawled out. The creepier things got the more afraid and paranoid I got. One day I saw him doing what he always did. Staring. But not from the tv. This time he was staring down at me while I was in bed. His face glitched a bit and blood ran down his eyes as the eyeballs themselves disappeared. I was paralyzed in fear as a grin slid onto his face. I threw a small object at him but almost immediately felt like I was drowning. "YoU sHoUlD'nT hAvE dOnE tHaT." Was all I heard before he disappeared and the drowning feeling left before I died. I panted and held my chest. Never in my life, had I ever come so close to the face of death...

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