New character: Eyeless Jack

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How you meet
You were sleeping peacefully when you felt a throbbing pain in your midsection. "Ow what's going o- oh my god! What the hell!!!" You screamed seeing a bloodstain on your bed. You threw your covers back seeing stitches in your side. "Shhh you'll wake everyone up if you scream that loud." You heard a voice from where your window was. You saw a person sitting on the window sill wearing all black besides a blue mask which had black stuff dripping down it from the eyes. Whoever it was, was eating something that was making a total mess. "Who the hell are you?! How did you get in my house!!!" You said pretty scared. "I was gonna break in but the back door was unlocked so I came through there." He said. You assumed it was a guy cause of his voice. "I just took a snack from you but I guess I decided to let you live. Don't worry, people can live with one kidney." He said. "You took my kidney!?!?!?! And you're eating it?!!?!?!" You panicked. "Yes, but you'll be fine. I should go." He stood up after he finished. You weren't listening as you tried calling the police. "They won't come so I wouldn't bother. I'll see you around." He said and jumped out of the window leaving you there in shock and pain.

You hang out
It's been a few months since the 'kidney incident' and you sorta forgot about it. You were walking around your block and saw a person with the same kind of clothes as that guy did that night. Except he was wearing a hood that shaded his face and sunglasses. "Hey you're Y/n right?" He asked you. "Uh yeah? You need something?" You asked. "Yeah, I'm new to the area and I want a good place to eat. Know a good place?" He asked. "Uh yeah sure.(random place to eat). It's just down the street." You said. "Thank you. Would you like to come with me?" He asked. "Sure I guess, uh..." "E.J, or just Jack." He said. "Okay then." You said. You and E.J spent the day together just hanging out and getting to know each other.

He gets feelings
I don't think she remembers who I am. I think that's best definitely. But she's nice, I'd wanna stick with her. Yeah.

First date
How he asked: "want to go on a date?"
How you responded: "sure why not."
Where you went: science museum
Afterwards: "That was kinda fun." E.J said. "We got kicked out because you kept trying to touch things you weren't supposed to." You said

You're on your period- needy
"Baby! can you get something for me?" You asked E.J. "What is it?" He asked flipping through the tv channels. "Some candy, pads, and other essentials." You said. "Fine I'll be back." He got up and left. About ten minutes later he came back with a basket of stuff you needed. "Thank you, oh can you..." you asked him to get you stuff for the duration of your period.

When you see their face
"Why do you always shade your face?" You asked him one day. "Reasons." He said. "Well I wanna see." You said. "Do you really want to?" He asked "yes" you said and he sighed. He took off his hood and mask. His skin was dark grey, his teeth were normal, and he had empty sockets with black stuff dropping down his cheeks. "Whoa. Is that really your face? Where are your eyes?" You asked. "I don't have any. I'm called eyeless Jack." He said. "Oh so you can't see. I wouldn't have known if you didn't tell me." You said. "Well I can. It's kinda complicated." He said. "Well now you don't have to cover yourself anymore around me." You said making him nod and smile.

First kiss
"Jack?" You asked him one day. "Yeah?" He asked. "You know how people close their eyes when kissing? Well, would it be weird for you to kiss someone?" You asked. He pulled you close to him and kissed you. "There's your answer." He said pulling back. You just nodded.

You say something dirty in a different language
Language: whatever language makes it sound cool(got lazy)
What you said: "I spilled juice on the floor and didn't clean it up."
Reaction: "what?"

You call him: ej, jacky
He calls you: sugar pile, S.P(short for sugar pile)

He meets your family
You didn't take him to meet your family due to past events causing them to keep you away from them.

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