you harm yourself pt. 3

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Rake- scratching(I do this sometimes)
"Y/n? WhY dO yOu HaVe ScArS aLl OvEr YoUr ArMs?" Rake asked noticing the dark scars on my arms. "Huh? Oh it's nothing, I was rough housing with Smile dog yesterday and he scratched me." I lied as if it were nothing. "SmIle DoG hAs BeEn OuT fOr WeEks AnD yOu WeRe WiTh Me AlL dAy FoR tHe PaSt WeEk. DiD i ScRaTcH yOu On AcCiDeNt?" He asked sounding worried. "No no you didn't. It was me, I gave myself scars." I admitted. "WhY?" He asked. I shrugged. "I don't know, I just did. There wasn't really any reason." I said. "YoU mUtIlAtEd YoUrSeLf FoR nO rEaSon?" He questioned. "Yeah I guess so. I mean I don't bleed from it or anything so I'm fine." I said. "YoU'rE pErFeCtLy OkAy WiTh ThIs? WeLl EvEn If YoU aRe, CaN yOu StOp? PlEaSe?" He asked. "Yeah sure I'll try to stop." I said. "ThAnK yOu." He smiled.

Sonic exe. - ingesting toxic items
I had gotten a bottle of rat poison. Not cause I had a rat problem but to use it on myself. I had done some research and concluded that it would only make me throw up a bunch which I didn't mind. When I got home I opened the bottle and poured some in my mouth eating it. It had a bad taste so I drank some juice to wash it down. Sonic came in after a few hours. I had already thrown up like three times and was eating yet again. "Ehat the fuck! This place smells like puke!" He said holding his nose. "I don't smell anything." I said and continued to eat till I was satisfied. He grumbled and went upstairs. Over the next few days bruises appeared on my arms, I had nosebleeds and headaches almost all the time, I would get agitated and confused a lot to. Sonic definitely took notice and finally saw the rat poison bottle. I was sleeping on the couch when found it. "Why the hell does she have this? We don't have rats....fuck!!" He dropped the bottle and grabbed my sleeping body, running to the nearest hospital. Once he told the doctors what happened they took me into surgery. It took at least a few hours before I was put in the recovery room. When I woke up and I saw Sonic. "What the fuck were you thinking!? Eating fucking rat poison! Can't you read you idiot! It says poison on the goddamn bottle! Did you honestly think you'd be okay I'd you ate that shit?! I could've lost you dammit!" He yelled at me but I could hear the relief in his voice that I had actually woken up. "I know I know. Just leave it alone okay. I won't do it again." I mumbled. "You better not. If you do I won't forgive you stupid bitch." He said and held my hand, kissing the back of it. I smiled a bit. "Love you too."

Homicidal Lui/Sully- none
You love him too much to see the poor baby cry with worry then Sully yell at him for not being a man.

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