Chapter 1

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I woke up in the middle of a forest next to a lamppost. What the fuck was that doing here? When I looked around I found out that the land was covered in snow. And it was freezing. "I told you it was real!" I heard a girl say. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you Lu." A boy said. I heard footsteps getting closer and I sat up. "Hello there!" The girl I heard talking earlier said and she approached me. "Where am I?" I asked her. "You're in Narnia. My name is Lucy. And these are my siblings. My brothers Peter and Edmund. And my sister Susan." "Hi my name is Linnea, nice to meet you. How did I get here?" "We came through a wardrobe." The oldest boy, Peter, said. "A wardrobe?" I asked him "why would the four of you go into a wardrobe at the same time?" "We were hiding from the professor."  Susan explained. "Speaking of a wardrobe why don't we all grab a coat. Technically we aren't taking them out of the wardrobe." Peter said. We all agreed except Edmund  ("But it's a girls coat!") "So Lucy where should we go?" Peter asked her. Lucy's eyes went wide with excitement "I'm taking you all to see mr. Tumnus!" So led by Lucy we went on our way. After a while Lucy gasped and started running. We followed her and saw why she gasped. What had once been a door was now laying on the floor as nothing more than splinters. We walked in and found Lucy holding a piece of paper. It read:

The former occupant of these premises, the Faun Tumnus, is under arrest and awaiting his trial on a charge of High Treason against her Imperial Majesty Jadis, Queen of Narnia, Chatelaine of Cair Paravel, Empress of the Lone Islands, etc., also of comforting her said Majesty’s enemies, harbouring spies and fraternizing with Humans.

signed MAUGRIM, Captain of the Secret Police, LONG LIVE THE QUEEN

"We shouldn't be here" Susan said "this guy is a criminal." "No he's not! Don't you see? I'm the human! He helped me and now he's under arrest because of me. We have to help him!" Lucy said. "Lu what would you have us do? Storm her castle? There is nothing we can do, this is out of our hands." Peter told the sad girl. "Maybe the beaver can help." I told them and everyone turned around. "Hello mr. Beaver can you help us?" "No I can't help mr. Tumnus but I might know someone who can. But first we need to get somewhere safe for us to talk." The beaver told us. "The trees." Lucy said knowingly. "Why should we follow you? Who says you won't just take us to the Queen?" Susan asked him a little nervous. "Mr. Tumnus gave me this." He said and he held out a handkerchief. "Hey that's mine. I gave it to mr. Tumnus!" Lucy exclaimed. "Yes he just had time to give it to me before they took him. Now follow me!" He said and we followed him.

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