Chapter 2

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We walked for a long time before we came to the beaver's house. "Beaver? Is that you? I've been worried sick. I swear if you have been hanging around with badger again I....." A she beaver said. She suddenly stopped when she saw us. "That's not badger. Oh I'd never thought I'd see this day. you couldn't give me ten minutes warning?" She asked Mr. Beaver. "I would have if I thought it would have helped." he told her jokingly. "Oh come inside. And we'll see if we can get you some food.. And some civilized company"  Mrs. Beaver told us which shut Mr. Beaver up. We all went in and sat down.  "Isn't there anything we can do for Mr. Tumnus?" Peter asked Mr. and Mrs. Beaver. "They've taken him to the witch's house. And you know what they say, not a lot of people that go inside those gates come back out." Mr. Beaver said. "That's something I don't understand. You call her the witch, but the arrest papers says she is the queen of Narnia" I told them. "Oh no dear. She isn't the queen of Narnia, she may call herself that, but she really isn't. She put Narnia in a state of winter for nearly a hundred years, but it's never Christmas" Mrs. Beaver explained. "But at last there is hope now. Aslan is on the move." Mr. Beaver said looking at us as if we should know who he was talking about. "I'm sorry sir. But who is Aslan?" Susan asked. he looked at us dumbfounded but he busted out laughing. "hahaha who is Aslan. You must be joking." But Mrs Beaver who saw our serious faces bumped his shoulder and gave him a 'they really don't know' look. "Well he's only the king of the whole wood. The real king of Narnia." He told us. "He's been away for a long while." Mrs Beaver told us. "But he's just got back. And he's waiting for you near the stone table." Mr. Beaver told us. "He's waiting for us?" Lucy and I asked at the same time. "You're bloody joking!" he looked at his wife "They don't even know about the prophesies!" "Well explain it to them then" she urged him. "Look Aslan's return, Tumnus's arrest, the secret police, it's all happening because of you!" "You're blaming us?" Susan asked. "No dear not blaming! We're thanking you!" Mrs Beaver reassured us. "There are two prophesies. One of them is about four siblings, Two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve."

When Adam's flesh and Adam's bone
Sits in Cair Paravel in throne
The evil time will be over and done

When he was done he turned to me and looked me in the eye "And one of them is about you your Majesty." And he recited:

The broken queen will have to fight
To find the power hidden inside
Help the Just escape his fate
That is where she will find her true mate

The title 'Queen of Everything' must be worn
And then The Daughter Of Aslan will be born
She will have to win the battle in her mind
To become the Queen she really is on the inside

Doubt will be her greatest enemy
But remember in times of need there will always be family
Without help she will be sure to fail
So help must be given should Light prevail

Tears started forming in my eyes but I forced them back. "I...I...I don't know what to say." "You know the first prophesy didn't really rhyme" Susan said. "You're kind of missing the point." Mr. Beaver said. "It has long been foretold that you would defeat the White Witch and restore peace to Narnia." Mrs. Beaver said. "You think we're the ones?" Peter asked. "Well you'd better be 'cause Aslan's fitting out your army. "Our army!?" Lucy exclaimed. "Mom sent us away so we wouldn't get caught up in a war" Susan told Peter. "I think you made a mistake. We're not heroes." Peter said. "We're from Finchley!" Susan said. the Beavers looked at each other desperately. "Thank you for your hospitality, but we really have to go." "But you can't just leave!" Mr. Beaver pleaded. "He's right. We have to help Mr. Tumnus." Lucy said. "Peter we have to help these people. I'm staying I will do anything I can to help them." I said. The Beavers send me grateful looks. "It's out of our hands. I'm sorry but it's time the four of us were getting home" Peter told Lucy and the Beavers. "I'm not going I'm staying to help!" Lucy said valiantly. "No you're not!!" Susan said. "Just because the two of you might be older than her doesn't mean she can't decide for herself what she will and will not do" I told them. "Edmund what do you think? Should we stay or should we go?" Peter asked him "Ed?" he looked around him but came to the conclusion he wasn't there. Nobody had seen him leave. "Oh I'm gonna kill him!" he said. "You might not have to. Has Edmund ever been to narnia before?" Mr. Beaver asked.

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