Something I've always wanted

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I always wanted a family to love me.
Let me start at the beginning see my farther left when I five and my mother dies when I was born.
My farther one day dropped me off at this place when I was five and told me he'll be back for me that was three years ago.
Now I'm in a foster care.
Wishing one day I'll find a family that will love me.
About a year after my farther left I asked my foster parents why my dad left me,
But they never told they always say he'll be back.
When I turned seven they gave me a letter address to me from my dad.
So I ran upstairs to read it.

Dad's letter to son

Hey son to start it all off I love you dearly and wish I could be there for you.
I'm so sorry I left you, but I just lost my job and couldn't afford to keep you.
I always wanted to give you a better life and I knew I couldn't.
So I told you foster parents that I have sister that is willing to adopt you along with her husband when you turn eight.
And I know you will have a better life with you aunt and uncle then with me son.
It kills me not having you with me my son,but this is better for you.
I also made plans with my sister that I can come and see you whenever I want.
I love you so much my son don't ever forget.

Back to little boy
So my dad does love me.
But I wish we still stayed together I would have help him though this.
I understand why he did this for me he wanted me to have a good life, can't wait till I turn eight to meet my aunt and uncle.
hopefully my dad will and visit me.
After I read the letter I went to my foster parents to thanks them for the letter but that when it all change.
My foster parents for one whole year started abusing me.
(See my foster parents before I came into this house used to be alcoholic)
I didn't realize they started drinking again and they were mean drunks too.
I still remember that year i was put in the hospital twelve time because of them for two broken arms,legs and my nose got broken.
They also tried drowning me in our pool.
But thankfully I'm with my loving aunt and uncle now my dad even kept him promise to me by coming by almost every day and sometimes he stay for the weekend with me.
All I think about now is yes I might I gone thought all of the abuse but it the end I'm here with my family that loves me.
Oh and my foster parents there in jail now for abusing me.
I'm so happy now to think three year went by so fast never though I would get here but I did.
Even though sometimes I wish I could have meet my mom but I know I can't.
I always wanted this and now I have a perfect family.
Now two years have past and I am now ten.
I know you think why am I writing this I'm writing this to get my story out there, yes I know it started sad and depressing but it ended on a happy note.

Letter to dad

To my dear farther.
I hope one day you'll read this and you'll know I was never mad at you for leaving me in a foster home I understand why you did it you thought it was best for me.
Just to let you know i don't need all the gift you give me to make up those three years all I need is you in my life.
I love you dearly and appreciate all You have done for me.
This is all I wanted all along is you.

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