My Heart

53 25 4

Lately all my heart is doing is breaking!

When your not near I feel a emptiness inside me, I feel like I'm forgotten by you.

When I think of you not being near me my heart aches for your touch, oh how it screams in pain to be nears you again.

When your not beside me my lips quake for your kisses!
My knee's crumble to the ground begging for strength but they can't seem to find it.

Oh how my arms, Oh how my arms feel when your not here they feel like icicles in a winter storm.

My whole body is weak from not being close to you, I'm so cold so cold that I'm afraid my heart will break into pieces that can't be fixed.

Please come save me baby, come save me from this snow storm that is living inside me, come be my hero and make me warm again make my heart melt with the sound of yours!.

Help my knee's get the strength to move forward, come make my lips stop quaking with your lips on mine, help my arms be warm again help them break free from the icicle.

I need you to see me, I need you to warm me up!

These are old poems that I wrote a long time ago.....

Thanks for all the reads and votes guys it means a lot to me :)

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