You wanna know me

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(Letter to ex husband in jail)

You wanna know me? Well here it is.
I love you.
I need you.
I want you in my life.
I tell you so many times, then you just walk away from me like you did a thousand times before.
The funny thing, is I also hate you for what you did to me;
You made me fall for you.
And now? I'm so done with you that I just want to let you go.
But it hurts because I can't.
You mean't so much to me.
You were my world and my shelter to hold on to when life got rough.
But since you walked away from my life, I don't to have something to hold on to anymore.
I try my hardest to get over you but ever time I see you I just go back to the start.
I can't get you out of my head or my heart and I just don't know why.
Maybe it's cause we were together for a long time, maybe it's because we had a beautiful family together or maybe it's because I still love you.
I know sometimes I say I'm done but really, I'm not.
How many times do you have to walk in and out of my life before I realize we're done?
Well I think it is now because even though it hurts to turn you down I have too.
Finally, so no more walking in and asking for me back because I'm putting a plug on us for good.
No more crying over you, no more wishing you were here beside me.
I just had it.
No more pain you cause me.
It's goodbye for good.
Don't even try call saying you want me back.
Cause if you really did, you would have never walked away in the first place.
So this is me finally giving up on you.
Bye my love, see you at the family reunion when the kids are all grown up and when you get out of jail.
I will still visit you but just for the kids, so they don't forget there farther.
And also so that they see what not to do.
They would learn to treat women with respect and not fists.
Just to show them to not be like you.
But I know that they love you dearly.
I always kept a happy face for them and never showed my bruises to them.
I don't scare them like you did to me.
So they don't think your a monster.
And don't worry, I won't tell them what you did to me.

Wow, just to think you had a family of 4 kids and you still beat me.
Was I really not good enough for you?
Obviously, I guess it wasn't.
Eventually I will stop visiting you, but hopefully the kids won't.
I know you're gonna ask them about me, but please don't because it's just going to be hard on them and yourself.
So bye for now my love; see you in 10 days, it will be my last visit.


What did I do to hurt the only person I cared about?
Why was I so cruel to her?
Why couldn't I have been happy with our life together?
I hope my boys don't turn out like me. I hope they respect women like how I should have respected their mother.
And my girls, I hope they will find men that will respect them as women.
I guess I lost my life. I lost my wife for good.
I lost my family.
I belong here. I never knew what I had and now I lost everything.

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