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Harry said that the first stage of getting 'out of this mess' was water. And he knew exactly where to look for it. But instead of sharing that information he's just stood staring blankly out to sea, fiddling with that fabric bracelet on his wrist again. 

I can't read his expression; it's sort of vacant but also confused. 

"Harry?" I say his name for tenth time in the last two minutes, not that I've got any concept of time here. He doesn't respond. It's like he's...gone?

A wet drip running over my nose tells me I'm crying again. I turn away and am greeted by a gentle breeze. It's welcome against the blistering heat but even the wind feels warm.

My head pounds and my mouth is still dry.

I'm dehydrated.

Beyond dehydrated. And Harry has to be too.

We need this water.

I step towards Harry and give his shoulders a gentle shake. His exposed left arm is already peeling and hot to the touch. Maybe if I can get him under some shelter, he'll be more responsive.

I try to tug him up the beach but he stands firm.

"Suitcases." He says in a vacant voice. I drop his arm. "I pulled some suitcases out of the water. Some people pack bottles because they don't trust the local water works."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" I lick my lips at the thought of liquid moistening my insides. "Where did you put them?"

He points further inland but doesn't move.


"I can't." His voice is so small and quiet and that's it's barely audible above the sound of the waves crashing into shore. "I can't do it."

I don't understand. I go to push my hair out of my face, but like Harry, I'm met with a matted mess.

"What can't you do?"

Harry sighs and his lower lip trembles. He's going to cry. 

"They're dead, Sarah. I can't just help myself to their belongings. It's not right."

I understand now. I really do. But we're going to be just as dead if we don't do this. And Harry said we weren't going to die. Either of us.

"I get it, Harry." I tell him. He's still fiddling with the bracelet. "But these cases are of no use to them now. And they would understand if they could. We need to do this."

I have to pinch the bridge of my nose to control the pounding in my head. It's like a constant pulse now. A constant reminder that our survival is on a countdown. 

"I can't." He says again. "I'm sorry."

I know I shouldn't, but I feel agitated. I've never felt discomfort like I'm feeling right now and I'm certain that Harry is in just as much pain. Except I don't know Harry and I don't know how to get through to him.

"I'll do it." I announce. I've never been one to be assertive so I'm surprised I'm taking the lead on this one.

Harry doesn't say anything so I start to walk away. But something springs to mind.

"Harry?" I turn back to him. He tilts his head in my direction but doesn't make eye contact with me. "The bodies you pulled out of the sea - what did you do with them?"


I can't believe I'm even saying the word. I shouldn't be. Like Harry said, It's not right. But I haven't seen anyone aside from us on this part of the island and I don't want to come across a nasty surprise when I leave him.

Stranded [harry styles] ✓Where stories live. Discover now