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Royal Malaysian Naval helicopter

Lieutenant Commander Musa bin Osman's POV

"Did you see that?" Zikri's voice bursts into my earpiece and I fire a glance at my comrade. Today is an endless run of pilot training operations with myself strapped into to the co-pilot seat giving 'guidance'. All I can think about is how many hours are left of my shift. 

"See what?" I shift my gaze to the glass front of the helicopter; displaying an endless vat of ocean with the occasional raised sand-bed and formation of trees. What more is there to see? 

He adjusts the controls before pointing with his right hand. "Down there. I can see writing in the sand." 

This sparks my interest and I stare in the direction of his outstretched index finger. There's an island, most likely uninhabited and mostly made up of a dense mass of trees, but sure enough in a strikingly large font - are three letters. 


"Do you think it's related to the missing Malaysian Airlines MH003 flight?" He asks and I instantly grab my radio. 

"This is Lieutenant Commander Musa bin Osman." I say into it forcefully. "Do you read? Over."

"Affirmative, Lieutenant Commander. Over." 

"Potential survivors from Malaysian Airlines flight MH003 located." I tear my notepad and pen from my left-breast pocket and scribble down our co-ordinates. "Co-ordinates noted. Briefing upon landing. Over." 

"Roger. Over." 

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